I'm using the CSSLint extension for Brackets. Is there a way to disable specific warnings for things like box-model and @bulletproof-font-face? The best match I've found for a discussion is here. At the moment I'm hoping to use a preamble in my CSS of the form /*csslint ignore: box-model */, but that's not working. I do know that this extension is able to work with .csslintrc files. I've attempted to put one in the same directory as where my CSS lives, with csslint ignore: box-model, but that didn't work either. Any advice or insights will be appreciated.

Update 1

Looking more into the support of .csslintrc files with Brackets, I've found this and this, which seems to suggest the use of --ignore=box-model,bulletproof-font-face. Putting this file either where my CSS lives or in the directory of the Brackets extension (~/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/camden.csslint/csslint on a Linux machine) doesn't work either.

Update 2

Putting .csslintrc in ~/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/camden.csslint/csslint/ definitely doesn't work; the file is removed after an update.


4 回答 4

/*csslint box-model:false */


于 2014-10-16T15:43:34.167 回答

最新版本的 CSSLint 插件通过 Bracket 的全局首选项添加了对自定义的支持,现在这似乎是忽略特定警告的最佳方式。由于此响应被标记为正确,因此我只想将其更新为尽可能准确。

自定义 CSSLint (在某种程度上)在README.md插件随附的文档中进行了解释,但它不包括像我这样的非 json-savvy 人的示例。我无法弄清楚如何自行更改设置,因此我联系了开发人员 ( https://github.com/cfjedimaster/brackets-csslint/pull/40 ) 以获得更具体的说明:


接下来,通过在现有代码的底部(或任何地方)包含以下内容,告诉 CSSLint 忽略特定的列表选项,只要它包含在首选项的全封闭花括号中:

"csslint.options": {
    "linting-option": false,
    "linting-option": false,
    "linting-option": false

确保将每个“linting-option”替换为您希望忽略的规则的 id 名称,确保它们设置为 false。每次在括号中弹出 css-linting 警告时,id 名称都会包含在圆括号中:





"csslint.options": {
    "adjoining-classes": false,
    "box-model": false,
    "box-sizing": false,
    "duplicate-background-images": false,
    "ids": false,
    "order-alphabetical": false,
    "qualified-headings": false,
    "unique-headings": false,
    "universal-selector": false


注意:开发人员/贡献者表示,这种新方法旨在在后续插件更新中继续存在。但是,由于全局首选项是相对较新的添加,因此它们不能保证在更新括号时首选项设置会保持不变,因此brackets.json建议创建首选项文件的备份。在 Mac 上可以在这里找到:/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Brackets/brackets.json

于 2015-04-14T17:42:06.240 回答

截至几天前,括号 CSSLint 支持全局首选项。只需使用Debug > Open Preferences File打开它,然后添加您想要忽略的规则,如下例所示:

"csslint.options": {
    "qualified-headings": false,
    "ids": false

您可以通过打开csslint 代码并搜索要隐藏的警告来找到规则名称。


于 2015-05-28T15:07:07.550 回答

在 Sublime Text 中,如果您右键单击 CSSLint 页面,菜单将具有以下路径 SublimeLinter > Mark Style > None。

这有效地在左边距留下了“警告”点,而代码中没有任何突出显示,因此您不会被 CSS 警察的“当面”提醒不断分心。你可能会记得你没有写出完美的代码,但至少在写的时候不会分心,哈哈。

在其他平台/IDE 上可能相同


于 2016-03-22T22:00:19.903 回答