我对python很陌生,所以我希望我的措辞是有道理的。我目前正在尝试对一组方程进行建模,这些方程需要积分乘以浮点数。我仅从集成输出中获得了 Nan 输出,但我不知道为什么我的代码如下:
from __future__ import division
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sp
import scipy as sci
from scipy import integrate
import math
from sympy.functions import coth
Tc = 9.25
Tb = 7.2
t = Tb / Tc
Temperature = []
d = []
d1 = []
n = 2*10**-6
L = 100*10**-9
W = 80*10**-9
a = 3*10**-2
s1 = W/ (2*n)
y1 = (L+(W/2)) / (2*n)
x0 = 0.015
r0 = 2*x0
s2 = r0 / n
y0 = (x0 / n)/1000000
print x0, y0, y1
A = ((W/n)**2) *(sp.kv(0, s1)+(math.pi / 2)*sp.kv(1,s1)*coth(y1))
B = ((W/n)**2) *(sp.iv(0, s1)+(math.pi / 2)*sp.iv(1,s1)*coth(y1))
print A, B
def t1(t):
return (t**-1)*sp.kv(0, s2)
def t2(t):
return (t**-1)*sp.iv(0, s2)
print t2
Fk2 =(math.pi**-2) * integrate.quad(t1, s1, s2, full_output=False)[0]
FI2 =(math.pi**-2) * integrate.quad(t2, s1, s2, full_output=False)[0]
print Fk2 , #FI2
r1 = 0.0
while r1 < y1:
#C0 = sp.kv(0,s2)*(1 + (A*FI2)-(B*Fk2))/A
#print C0
#D_ = 1 - B*Fk2 - A*Fk2*sp.iv(1, s1) / sp.kv(1, 1)
#print D_
r1 += 0.0001
j = -1*r1
#T = Tb + (Tc - Tb) * (sp.kv(0,s1) + (math.pi /2)* sp.kv(1, s1)*coth(r1))*(1- D_ * math.cosh(y1)) * (C0*A)
#print Temp0, r1
罪魁祸首似乎是方程 FI2 sp.iv(t2, s1) 中修改后的贝塞尔函数,它返回一个 Nan 值,但其他方程结果 Fk2 给出 0。有一段时间我收到以下错误:
IntegrationWarning: The occurrence of roundoff error is detected, which prevents the requested tolerance from being achieved. The error may be underestimated. warnings.warn(msg, IntegrationWarning)
但这已经停止了,现在我只得到 0.0 和 Nan。任何帮助都非常感谢我在这里迷路了。