I'm trying to do a network-wide install of a program similar to Mouse without Borders - the goal is to install the program on around 20 computers and then have a database that tells the program which computers to connect with Mouse without Borders, etc.

Does anyone know of an existing solution to it?

The db would tell the program "Computer 1: connected to --> Computer 18", for example.



1 回答 1


你应该看看协同作用:http: //sourceforge.net/projects/synergy2/

Synergy 让您可以轻松地在具有不同操作系统的多台计算机之间共享单个鼠标和键盘,而无需特殊硬件。它 > 适用于桌面上有多台计算机的用户,因为每个系统 > 使用自己的显示器。

我在 Windows 7 和 Ubuntu 13.04 之间使用了一段时间。

于 2015-02-24T17:42:12.923 回答