我正在用 C# 开发一个需要网络访问的虚拟化应用程序。我正在使用 ndisprot 示例驱动程序来读取和写入以太网第 2 层数据包。我一切正常,除了 WriteFile 操作需要大量时间。通常在 300-800 毫秒之间,但有时需要几秒钟才能完成写入。
这是我的 C# 函数,它将以太网数据包写入驱动程序。我正在使用秒表来测量需要多长时间。
private Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
/// <summary>
/// Writes a layer-2 Ethernet packet to the adapter
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packet">The packet data</param>
/// <returns>true if the write was successful</returns>
public bool WriteEnetPacket(byte[] packet)
int bytesSent = 0;
bool packetSent = false;
// Copy the packet data to raw buffer
IntPtr packetPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(packet.Length);
Marshal.Copy(packet, 0, packetPtr, packet.Length);
packetSent = WriteFile(this.handle,
out bytesSent,
Console.WriteLine("WriteFile completed in {0}ms", sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds);
// Free the memory
// check to see if packet was sent
if (!packetSent)
var err = UnsafeMethods.GetLastError();
var errStr = UnsafeMethods.GetLastErrorString();
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Packet not sent: 0 bytes written.");
Console.WriteLine("Reason: " + errStr);
return false;
// otherwise the packet was sent
Console.WriteLine("Packet sent: " + bytesSent.ToString() + "bytes written");
return true;
Packet sent: 42bytes written
WriteFile completed in 160ms
Packet sent: 42bytes written
WriteFile completed in 458ms
Packet sent: 74bytes written
WriteFile completed in 364ms
Packet sent: 74bytes written
WriteFile completed in 51ms
Packet sent: 86bytes written
WriteFile completed in 221ms
Packet sent: 74bytes written
WriteFile completed in 271ms
Packet sent: 74bytes written
WriteFile completed in 1ms
Packet sent: 74bytes written
WriteFile completed in 292ms
如果我 ping 我的应用程序,响应时间几乎与 WriteFile 完成所需的时间完全匹配,因此我知道挂断在驱动程序的某个地方。我可以在示例驱动程序中做些什么来加快速度吗?我究竟做错了什么?
编辑:今天我尝试使用我的 USB 以太网适配器而不是内置适配器,性能更差!完成写作需要 15-30 秒。这是最奇怪的,因为阅读几乎是瞬时的。