有谁知道如何将文本附加到 Raphaël 中的路径?类似http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/images/text/toap02.svg 我知道 jQuery SVG 可以做到这一点,但我找不到使用 Raphaël js 的简单方法。我想将此文本附加到贝塞尔曲线并移动它。
8910 次
3 回答
这是方法 1 的快速粗略开始,不使用.print()
window.onload = function() {
var i, newP,
R = Raphael("canvas",500,400),
// Create our set of letter paths
t = R.print(100, 0, "this is a test", R.getFont("whoa"), 30),
// Create the path to follow
p = R.path("M 50 100 C 100 50 150 0 200 50 C 250 100 300 150 350 100" +
" C 400 50 450 50 450 50").attr("stroke", "none"),
pLen = p.getTotalLength(), // Length of path to follow
tLen = t.length, // Number of characters
oneL = pLen/tLen; // Average length of 1 character
// You can also use .getBBox() for each character instead
// Position each character
for (i = 0; i < tLen; i++) {
// Get x,y of the path to follow
newP = p.getPointAtLength(i * oneL);
// Move the letter
t[i].translate((i * oneL)-newP.x, newP.y);
t[i].attr("fill", Raphael.getColor());
用这个 jsFiddle 试试
注意:上面的代码非常粗糙并且有一些重要的定位问题,但我认为一般的方法是使用 Raphael 将文本放在路径上。
于 2010-10-14T18:56:38.000 回答
raphael 2.1 print() 函数不再返回一组路径,而是返回包含所有字母的单个路径。所以这里的所有解决方案都不适用于 raphael 2.1(当前版本)。我开发了以下小插件,将 printLetters() 方法添加到纸上,单独打印字母并返回一个集合,就像旧的 print() 方法一样。此外,该插件支持将此文本与路径对齐。例如,要使用插件对齐路径上的文本,您只需执行以下操作:
var r = Raphael(0, 0, 500, 500);
var path1 = "M 50 100 C 100 50 150 0 200 50" +
" C 250 100 300 150 350 100" +
" C 400 50 450 50 450 50";
var text1 = r.printLetters(20, 150, "habia una vez una vaca",
r.getFont("my underwood"), 30, null, null, path1).attr({
fill : "red",
stroke : "black"
(function() {
* do the job of putting all letters in a set returned bu printLetters in a path
* @param p - can be a rpahael path obejct or string
var _printOnPath = function(text, paper, p) {
p = paper.path(p).attr({stroke: "none"});
for ( var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var letter = text[i];
var newP = p.getPointAtLength(letter.getBBox().x);
var newTransformation = letter.transform()+
//also rotate the letter to correspond the path angle of derivative
(newP.alpha<360 ? 180+newP.alpha : newP.alpha);
/** print letter by letter, and return the set of letters (paths), just like the old raphael print() method did. */
Raphael.fn.printLetters = function(x, y, str, font, size,
letter_spacing, line_height, onpath) {
var x_=x, y_=y;
for ( var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if(str.charAt(i)!='\n') {
var letter = this.print(x_,y_,str.charAt(i),font,size);
else {
var set = this.setFinish();
if(onpath) {
_printOnPath(set, this, onpath);
return set;
于 2012-03-29T17:47:03.913 回答
这是基于raphael4gwt (java) 的代码,但我认为 javascript 程序员可以轻松适应它。它基于拉斐尔 2.0。它类似于上面的解决方案,但更好。它使用转换字符串来绝对定位和旋转每个字母以将其放置在路径上:
/* make some text follow a path */
Font anchorFont = paper.getFont("Anchor Steam NF");
Set text1 = paper.print(120,330,"a text that follows a path", anchorFont, 40);
//the path where we want to place the text
Path p = paper.path(
"M 50 100 C 100 50 150 0 200 50" +
" C 250 100 300 150 350 100" +
" C 400 50 450 50 450 50");
p.attr(Attrs.create().stroke("none"));//hide the path
/* for each letter, we add an absolute translation to its
* transformation string and also add an absolute rotation
* to correspond to path angle of derivative. */
for(int i = 0; i<text1.size(); i++) {
Shape letter = text1.item(i);
//get the point of a letter on the path
Point newP = p.getPointAtLength(letter.getBBox().getX());
String newTransformation = letter.getTransform()+
//also rotate the letter to correspond the path angle of derivative
(newP.getAlpha()<360 ? 180+newP.getAlpha() : newP.getAlpha());
于 2012-03-02T14:34:56.787 回答