What I'm trying to achieve is to run a program, which thinks a folder exists within its own folder while actually the folder is somewhere else on the system.
So my program would launch a process and say to the process: Folder A which is at C:\A is within your own directory at C:\Program Files (x86)\SomeProgram\A
So the "virtual" directory would only be visible to that process.
I'm using Qt to program my program, so if there are any Qt functions I could use that would be great (in relation to portability). However, plan C++ or any windows-bound API's would be fine.
I was thinking about NTFS junctions or symbolic links but I would have no idea how to create either of those in C++, let alone bind them to a specific process.
Thanks in advance!
In relation to the above, I've found this question: https://superuser.com/questions/234422/does-windows7-support-symbolic-links-folder-shortcuts. However, it only shows how to perform the required actions from the command-line and it wouldn't be process bound.
Some extra information: I'm trying to create a virtual directory that is made up of a couple of other directories but then merged (I'm using a priority system to decide which files "win" from other files). These merged directories would then appear to the target process as one directory containing the merged files.