What's the best way for ng-options="" to iterate over JSON objects without ng-repeat=""... in order to retrieve all values.

  $scope.examples = 
    {"name":"parent 1",
        "subs":  [
            {"name":"child a", "id":"1a"},  
            {"name":"child b", "id":"1b"}
    {"name":"parent 2",
        "subs":  [
            {"name":"child a", "id":"2a"},  
            {"name":"child b", "id":"2b"}

Should return, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b for the <option> rendered in a single <select>

I mistakenly thought something like...

<select ng-model="data.sub" ng-options="item.id for item in examples.example.subs"></select>

...would iterate over sub objects. Do I need a separate function? Scope definition of some sort? Any help is appreciated.



1 回答 1


I think this is a very similar question:


According to the answer, its not possible with the nested structure with ng-options. What you could do is flatten the data into an array instead.

I took the liberties of updating your jsfiddle as well. Please check it out:


The following code is the code that I added to make it work:

    var app = angular.module('app', []);

    app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {
      $scope.examples = 
       {"name":"parent 1",
        "subs":  [
          {"name":"child a", "id":"1a"},  
          {"name":"child b", "id":"1b"}
       {"name":"parent 2",
        "subs":  [
           {"name":"child a", "id":"2a"},  
           {"name":"child b", "id":"2b"}

   function flattenArray(array, fn)  {
      var output = [];
      for(var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
         var result = fn(array[i]);
         if (result) 
            output = output.concat(result);
      return output;

   $scope.Groups = flattenArray($scope.examples, function(item) { 
        return item.subs;
于 2014-09-26T17:44:57.213 回答