EXPECT_CALL(mock, handleMessage(_)).Times(0); // expectation #1
EXPECT_CALL(mock, handleMessage(Pointee(IsLike(aSpecificMessage)))); // expectation #2
Mock function called more times than expected - returning default value.
Function call: handleMessage(0x8b5378)
Returns: false
Expected: to be never called
Actual: called once - over-saturated and active
Google Mock 不会打印关于为什么参数与预期 #2 中的谓词不匹配的诊断。这大概是因为期望 #1 是第一个失败的(?)。
如果我省略了期望 #1,那么失败是冗长的,大致如下:
Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match:
../../test/Test.cpp:143: EXPECT_CALL(mock, handleMessage(Pointee(IsLike(aSpecificMessage))))...
Expected arg #0: points to a value that <....>
Actual: 0xfeaf18, which points to <.....>