我正在使用沙发数据库。我是新手。我不知道在 dbroot 值中有什么来代替“db/”。我已从 coucdb 教程之一中获取此代码。在此先感谢您的帮助。
var poq = {
//Some variables global to the local namespace ("poq")
root: "http://localhost:5984/",
dbroot: "db/",
max_quotes: 6,
//Invoked when the HTML page is first loaded
loadPage: function()
var six_latest = poq.root + "poquotes/_design/document/_view/by_year?&limit="
+ poq.max_quotes + "&descending=true&callback=?";
$.getJSON(six_latest, poq.handleMainQuotes);
$('#donewquote').click(function() {
var db_link = poq.dbroot + "poquotes";
var record = {
"type": "quote",
"author": $("#author").val(),
"text": $("#text").val(),
"work": {
"title": $("#title").val(),
"link": $("#link").val(),
"year": parseInt($("#year").val())
url : db_link,
data : JSON.stringify(record),
contentType : "application/json",
type : 'POST',
processData : false,
dataType : "json",
success : function(resp) {
alert("New document created: " + JSON.stringify(resp));
return false;
//Set up the collapsible form for adding new quotes
//Start out with the create quote form collapsed
//Invoked with the result of the AJAX call to load quote documents
handleMainQuotes: function(json)
//Load up to six records, as available
quote_count = Math.min(poq.max_quotes, json["total_rows"])
for (var i=0; i<quote_count; i++) {
var doc = json["rows"][i]["value"]
var year = doc["work"]["year"].toString()
var title = doc["work"]["title"].toString()
var link = doc["work"]["link"].toString()
//Create an HTML snippet from the fields of each quote document
qblock = $("<div class='span4 featured-quote'></div>")
.append("<h2>" + doc["author"] + "</h2>")
.append("<p style='font-size: 80%; height: 8em;'>" + doc["text"] + "</p>")
.append("<p>" + year + "</p>")
.append("<p><a href='" + link + "'>" + title + "</a></p>")
.append("<p><a class='btn' href='#'>View details »</a></p>")
//jQuery's eq selector to find the target div corresponding to the loop index
$('div.featured-quote:eq(' + i.toString() + ')').replaceWith(qblock);