我正在使用 plantuml 生成 UML 图形,并且对评论样式有疑问。
我创建了一个名为 mainpage.dox 的文件并写入以下内容:
/** \mainpage Sender class
* Sender class. Can be used to send a command to the server.
* The receiver will acknowledge the command by calling Ack().
* \startuml
* Sender->Receiver : Command()
* Sender<--Receiver : Ack()
* \enduml
然后,我创建 doxyfile 来设置输出优化的 java 或 C#、has_dot 和 PLANTUML_JAR_PATH。运行 doxygen 后可以生成 UML 图。
但是,当我将注释样式更改为 C# 时,主页和警告消息中没有任何内容:
/// \mainpage Sender class
/// Sender class. Can be used to send a command to the server.
/// The receiver will acknowledge the command by calling Ack().
/// \startuml
/// Sender->Receiver : Command()
/// Sender<--Receiver : Ack()
/// \enduml
但是当我删除 uml 注释时会生成主页(显示下面的文本)
/// \mainpage Sender class
/// Sender class. Can be used to send a command to the server.
/// The receiver will acknowledge the command by calling Ack().
\startuml 是否必须使用 C 风格的注释?感谢您的任何建议。
这是我的 DoxyFile:http ://pastebin.com/hjEFz8b0
我刚刚用另一种评论风格再次测试。\startuml 正在使用这种风格
/*! \mainpage Sender class
Sender class. Can be used to send a command to the server.
The receiver will acknowledge the command by calling Ack().
Sender->Receiver : Command()
Sender<--Receiver : Ack()