我将 SonarQube 4.0 和 C# 插件 3.1 与 FxCop 10 一起使用。我有上游构建提供给我的程序集。我在 Gradle 中使用 sonar-runner 插件。

当声纳运行器到达 FxCop 分析时,我得到如下日志输出:

16:43:16.660 INFO  - Skipping the FxCop issue at line 9 which has no associated file.
16:43:16.660 INFO  - Skipping the FxCop issue at line 12 which has no associated file.
16:43:16.660 INFO  - Skipping the FxCop issue at line 15 which has no associated file.
16:43:16.660 INFO  - Skipping the FxCop issue at line 24 which has no associated file.
16:43:16.660 INFO  - Skipping the FxCop issue at line 31 whose file "e:\9394\Sources\[path removed]\CallbackWebService.cs" is not in SonarQube.
16:43:16.660 INFO  - Skipping the FxCop issue at line 38 whose file "e:\9394\Sources\[path removed]\CallbackWebService.cs" is not in SonarQube.
16:43:16.660 INFO  - Skipping the FxCop issue at line 45 whose file "e:\9394\Sources\[path removed]\CallbackWebService.cs" is not in SonarQube.
16:43:16.660 INFO  - Sensor org.sonar.plugins.csharp.core.CSharpFxCopProvider$CSharpFxCopSensor@18db7c1 done: 3344 ms

这似乎是因为我的 SonarQube 分析的 TFS 工作区与构建程序集的工作区位于不同的位置。如果我单独使用 FxCop,看起来我可以使用 /applyoutxsl 来转换路径,但据我所知,SonarQube 不允许我访问 FxCop 命令行来启用它。



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于 2014-09-25T11:52:24.193 回答