I maintain a custom library consisting of many dijit widgets at the company I work at.
Many of the defects/bugs I have had to deal with were the result of this.inherited(arguments)
calls missing from overriden methods such as destroy
and postCreate
Some of these go unnoticed easily and are not always discovered until much later.
I suspect I can use dojo\aspect
.after to hook onto the 'base' implementation, but I am not sure how to acquire a handle to the _widgetBase method itself.
Merely using .after on the method of my own widget would be pointless, since that wouldn't check whether this.inherited(..)
was inded called.
How can I write a generic test function that can be passed any dijit/_WidgetBase
instance and checks whether the _widgetBase's methods mentioned above are called from the widget when the same method is called on the subclassing widget itself?
Bottom-line is how do I acquire a reference to the base-implementation of the functions mentioned above?