
Powershell - 如何从基于文本的日志文件中选择一个文本块,该文件在日志文件条目中具有时间戳

但是,我现在发现我正在尝试实现的目标存在问题,因为我正在处理/查询的日志文件的每一行都没有时间戳条目,实际上有些行是空白的,并且还有 XML 条目被分成多行。


1600 00:06:45 CMD1: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<TgwGiMessage version="1.0">


        <SourceITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>


            <DestinationITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>



        <MessageText>XML Text Message</MessageText>



16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
2138 00:06:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1e0c 00:06:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 



Index was outside the bounds of the array.
At line:9 char:5
+ if ($parts[1] -ge $StartTime -and $parts[1] -le $EndTime) {
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [], IndexOutOfRangeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IndexOutOfRangeException





更新 - PSGuy,在您上次更新之后,我玩了一些游戏来尝试确定为什么在将您的脚本应用于我的实时日志文件时我没有得到所需的结果。

我创建了一个稍长的日志文件示例来运行,ExampleLogfile.log 如下所示,这提供了几行我试图提取日志的确切内容的行,包括 XML 行。

1600 00:06:45 CMD1: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:06:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:07:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:07:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:07:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:07:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<TgwGiMessage version="1.0">


        <SourceITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>


            <DestinationITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>



        <MessageText>XML Text Message</MessageText>



16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
2138 00:08:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1e0c 00:09:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1600 00:10:45 CMD1: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<TgwGiMessage version="1.0">


        <SourceITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>


            <DestinationITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>



        <MessageText>XML Text Message</MessageText>



16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
2138 00:13:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:13:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1e0c 00:13:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:13:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:14:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:14:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1600 00:14:45 CMD1: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:14:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:15:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:15:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:15:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:15:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:16:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:16:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:16:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:16:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<TgwGiMessage version="1.0">


        <SourceITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>


            <DestinationITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>



        <MessageText>XML Text Message</MessageText>



16e8 00:17:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
2138 00:17:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:17:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1e0c 00:17:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:18:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:18:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:18:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 

然后我编辑了您的代码,如下所示,从 00:08:45 提取 5 分钟的日志部分

$file = Get-Content "c:\temp\ExampleLogfile.log"

# create your text pattern for regex matches here
$myPattern = "\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}"

# what time boundaries do you want to check?
$tempTime = "00:08:45"
$lowerBound = [DateTime]::Parse($tempTime)
$upperBound = $lowerBound.AddMinutes(5)
    # tempTime can use any System.DateTime static method once
    # you have a date time, and should ideally be an input parameter
    # lowerBound should also be an input parameter

# this could also be a for, do / while, or for each
# loop through the file until we reach the end
for ($i = 0; $i -le $file.GetUpperBound(""); $i++)
    # this will loop until we reach the last line
    if ($file[$i] -match $myPattern)
        $time = $file[$i].Split(' ')[1]
        if ([DateTime]::Parse($time) -ge $lowerBound -and [DateTime]::Parse($time) -le $upperBound)
            $file[$i] # this will print to a console
                # using the Tee-Object cmdlet will output it to the console
                # and a file, which could be useful for developers and you


16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
2138 00:08:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
1e0c 00:09:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
1600 00:10:45 CMD1: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
2138 00:13:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:13:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
1e0c 00:13:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:
16e8 00:13:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry:

所以它给了我从开始时间 ($tempTime = "00:08:45") 分钟数 ($upperBound = $lowerBound.AddMinutes(5)) 的所有带时间戳的行,但它没有输出 XML 或其他非时间戳行。使用上面的 ExampleLogfile.log 时,我试图实现以下输出:

16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<TgwGiMessage version="1.0">


        <SourceITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>


            <DestinationITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>



        <MessageText>XML Text Message</MessageText>



16e8 00:08:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
2138 00:08:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1e0c 00:09:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:09:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1600 00:10:45 CMD1: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:10:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:11:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<TgwGiMessage version="1.0">


        <SourceITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>


            <DestinationITSI SSI="XXXXXXX" EXT="0" CPTI="0" SNA="0"/>



        <MessageText>XML Text Message</MessageText>



16e8 00:12:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
2138 00:13:45 01-BASICDT::HS: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:13:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
1e0c 00:13:45 IOM WRITE: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 
16e8 00:13:45 CL: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: Standard log file entry: 



2 回答 2



$file = Get-Content MyFile.log

# create your text pattern for regex matches here
$myPattern = "\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}"

# what time boundaries do you want to check?
$tempTime = "00:06:40"
$lowerBound = [DateTime]::Parse($tempTime)
$upperBound = $lowerBound.AddMinutes(30)
    # tempTime can use any System.DateTime static method once
    # you have a date time, and should ideally be an input parameter
    # lowerBound should also be an input parameter

# this could also be a for, do / while, or for each
# loop through the file until we reach the end
for ($i = 0; $i -le $file.GetUpperBound(""); $i++)
    # this will loop until we reach the last line
    if ($file[$i] -match $myPattern)
        $time = $file[$i].Split(' ')[1]
        if ([DateTime]::Parse($time) -ge $lowerBound -and [DateTime]::Parse($time) -le $upperBound)
            $file[$i] # this will print to a console
                # using the Tee-Object cmdlet will output it to the console
                # and a file, which could be useful for developers and you
于 2014-09-28T03:27:09.163 回答


$file = Get-Content MyFile.log

# create your text pattern for regex matches here
$myPattern = "\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}"

# what time boundaries do you want to check?
$tempTime = "00:06:40"
$lowerBound = [DateTime]::Parse($lowerBound)
$upperBound = $lowerBound.AddMinutes(30)
    # tempTime can use any System.DateTime static method once
    # you have a date time, and should ideally be an input parameter
    # lowerBound should also be an input parameter

# this could also be a for, do / while, or for each
# loop through the file until we reach the end
for ($i = 0; $i -le $file.GetUpperBound(""); $i++)
    # this will loop until we reach the last line
    if ($file[$i] -match $myPattern)
        $time = $file[$i].Split(' ')[1]
        if ([DateTime]::Parse($time) -ge $lowerBound -and [DateTime]::Parse($time) -le $upperBound)
            $file[$i] # this will print to a console
                # using the Tee-Object cmdlet will output it to the console
                # and a file, which could be useful for developers and you

我还为您将其添加到了 pastebin 中。脚本在这里做的很简单,但我会解释更多

  1. 获取文件内容(默认情况下以字符串数组的形式出现)
  2. 创建一个匹配文件时间格式的模式
  3. 声明您想要的时间(tempTime,这将是您的输入参数)
  4. 解析时间,得到上界时间(30分钟、60分钟等)
  5. 遍历文件的每一行,如果它与正则表达式匹配,则在每个空间上拆分,获取数组索引 1(它将位于的那个),并将其存储在 time 变量中
  6. 确定时间(仍为字符串格式)是否大于或等于您的时间下限且小于或等于您的时间上限
  7. 打印匹配的行
  8. 返回

如果你在这里添加一个 System.String[] 类型的变量(使用 $myVariable = @() 行),那么你可以使用 $myVariable += $file[$I],然后使用 return 关键字封装此脚本的函数的末尾。


它在 pastebin 上: http: //pastebin.com/p1k7XPpD


更新:-------------------------------- 另一件事:我看到你在最后使用了字符串本身线程,只是做一个简单的字符串比较。如果您只想走那条路,那将可行。创建两个 DateTime 对象不是必需的。要将上面的所有代码加载到函数中,您需要两个输入参数:一个是 System.String 类型,另一个是 System.UInt32 类型(Int32 和 UInt32 之间的区别在于 UInt32 不允许负数) . 然后你的函数会被这样调用:

Get-LogExtract -StartTime "00:06:40" -AddMinutes 30

您只需要在函数中添加对 AddMinutes 的引用。另一种方法是修改我在这里给你的内容,并使用 DateTime.Parse 方法简单地解析它们。或者,您可以将其保留为字符串比较;我正在使用 DateTime,但如果您知道它有效,那么使用字符串不会有任何问题。我针对您的示例输出运行了这个,它很棒。

于 2014-09-24T23:18:06.283 回答