I'm in the process of creating a cookbook for Magento with the aid of Kitchen.CI

I'm using Librarian-Chef for dependency management, and since I installed it, I'm getting the following error when I try to converge:

ERROR: Cookbook magentochef not found. If you're loading magentochef from another cookbook, make sure you configure the dependency in your metadata

Here's the thing, magentochef is the name of the cookbook I'm creating, so I have no idea why it's trying to load it as a dependency. In effect, it's trying to load itself as a dependency to itself, which is strange indeed.

I am new to Chef and Kitchen.CI so it's possible that I'm misunderstanding something, but it does seem very odd that this is happening. The error occurred only after I installed librarian-chef and tried to run kitchen converge

Here's my metadata.rb

name "magentochef"
version "0.0.1"

Here's my .kitchen.yml

  name: vagrant

  name: chef_solo

  - name: ubuntu-12.04
  - name: ubuntu-14.04

  - name: default
      - recipe[magentochef::default]

And lastly, my Cheffile

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#^syntax detection

site 'https://supermarket.getchef.com/api/v1'

cookbook 'composer', '~> 1.0.5'

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You need to add cookbook 'magentochef', path: '.' to your Cheffile. Berkshelf is more common for this and includes a helper (metadata).

于 2014-09-22T17:25:16.020 回答