- 我正在使用 org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin 生成源代码。
- 每次我清理+安装源都会生成
- 我只希望在我明确请求时生成源代码。
I only want generation of source code to happen when I explicitly request it.
The best option would be to add the plugin declaration in a profile and to explicitly activate this profile:
And run the following when you want the code generation to happen:
mvn clean install -Pcodegen
我相信您想在您的 POM 中向 cxf 的插件元素添加一个执行元素。您应该能够将生成目标绑定到您喜欢的阶段。见:http ://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Plugins