在 MAC OS 上开发时,除了窗口顶部的栏之外,有没有办法拖动堆栈窗口?如果我看不到顶部栏并尝试拖动堆栈窗口中间的某个位置,它会激活该组、对象等。我唯一的成功是使用堆栈属性窗口上的“大小和位置”。提前致谢...


1 回答 1


如果您在 IDE 中工作,可以键入 command-M 以显示消息框,并在消息框中键入以下代码:

set the loc of this stack to the screenLoc


set the top of this stack to 100

这会将标题栏向下移动到屏幕顶部下方 100 像素处。


on grabWindow
  if the platform is "MacOS" and (the decorations of the defaultStack contains "title" or the decorations of the defaultStack is "default") then
    put 22 into myMenuCorrection
    put 0 into myMenuCorrection
  end if
  put "10,10,310,310" into myRect
  add myMenuCorrection to item 2 of myRect
  lock messages
  put (trunc(the width of this window/2) - the mouseH) into difH
  put (trunc(the height of this window/2) - the mouseV) into difV
  repeat until the mouse is up
    put the loc of this window into loc1
    put the screenMouseLoc into loc2
    add difH to item 1 of loc2
     add (difV + myMenuCorrection) to item 2 of loc2
    if loc1 is not loc2 then set the loc of this window to loc2
  end repeat
  unlock messages
end grabWindow

on mouseDown
end mouseDown


于 2014-09-20T20:49:21.963 回答