
我的网站出现以下错误。我认为由于 PHP 5.4.32 版本较高,某些功能已被弃用。我的网站是在 x 购物车中设计的。所有服务器都升级到最新的 C 面板和 php 版本网站运行良好,内容没有改变。打开产品页面时仅出现以下错误。


Option  Required    Currently    Status     Comments
Operation system    -   Linux   OK   
PHP version     5.4.32  5.4.32  OK   
Perl-compatible regular expressions     On  On  OK   
PHP Server API      CGI unknown OK   
MySQL support is ...    On  On  OK   
safe_mode   0   0   OK   
register_long_arrays    1   0   Failed  Please check php.ini to correct problem
disabled functions list     Not (exec, popen, pclose, ini_set)  , , dl, , , exec, , , passthru, , , pcntl_exec, , , pfsockopen, , , posix_kill, , , posix_mkfifo, , , posix_setuid, , , proc_close, , , proc_open, , , proc_terminate, , , shell_exec, , , system, , , posix_setpgid, , , posix_setsid, , , proc_get_status, , , proc_nice, , , show_source, , phpinfo  Warning Some functionality may be lost
file_uploads    1   1   OK   
upload_max_filesize     2M  200M    OK   
sql.safe_mode   0   0   OK   
magic_quotes_runtime    0   0   OK   
magic_quotes_sybase     0   0   OK   
register_globals    1   0   Warning Emulation is used

Please contact your host administrators and ask them to correct PHP-settings for your site according to the requirements above.

Directory   Permissions Required    Comments
(root) /home/bracelet/public_html   40755   xx755   
(customer) /    40755   xx755   
(admin) /admin  40755   xx755   
(provider) /provider    40755   xx755   
(partner) /partner  not exists  xx755   

1 回答 1



于 2014-11-12T11:12:45.613 回答