
我正在尝试通过 R 软件解决线性规划问题。我有三个名为 A.txt, B.txt,F.txt 的文件。我已通过以下代码阅读此内容:

library( linprog )
Amat<-read.table("D:/Simplex/SimplexInitialTheoryWithRsoftware/src/A.txt",header=FALSE,sep=" ")
bvec<-read.table("D:/Simplex/SimplexInitialTheoryWithRsoftware/src/B.txt",header=FALSE,sep=" ")
cvec<-read.table("D:/Simplex/SimplexInitialTheoryWithRsoftware/src/F.txt",header=FALSE,sep=" ")

文件的链接是A.txtB.txtF.txt。我正在尝试通过以下代码通过 R 软件解决此问题。

res <- solveLP( cvec, bvec, Amat, TRUE )
## print the results
print( res )


Error in solveLP(cvec, bvec, Amat, TRUE) : 
  Matrix A must have as many rows as constraints (=elements of vector b) and as many columns as variables (=elements of vector c).

但是我一次又一次地检查了我的文件。A 的尺寸是 10*10 ,B 的尺寸是 10*1 ,F 的尺寸是 1*10 。



cvec<-read.table("D:/Simplex/SimplexInitialTheoryWithRsoftware/src/F.txt",header=FALSE,sep=" ")


   Warning message:
In read.table("D:/Simplex/SimplexInitialTheoryWithRsoftware/src/F.txt",  :
  incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'D:/Simplex/SimplexInitialTheoryWithRsoftware/src/F.txt'



1 回答 1


根据 Roland 的评论,错误确实来自输入对象的不正确规范。下面的代码经过试验和测试:

library( linprog )
Amat<-as.matrix(read.table("C:\\Users\\ifragkos\\Documents\\Fun\\R\\A.txt",header=FALSE,sep=" "))
bvec<-c(read.table("C:\\Users\\ifragkos\\Documents\\Fun\\R\\B.txt",header=FALSE,sep=" "), recursive=T)
cvec<-c(read.table("C:\\Users\\ifragkos\\Documents\\Fun\\R\\F.txt",header=FALSE,sep=" "), recursive=T)
res<-solveLP(cvec, bvec, Amat, TRUE)
## print the results
print( res )


All Variables (including slack variables)
              opt   cvec      min.c      max.c       marg  marg.reg
V1      0.2374153  29.02  21.255258  73.654167         NA        NA
V2      0.0000000  47.98       -Inf  79.114957  -31.13496 0.0672461
V3      0.0000000 -37.64       -Inf  53.342215  -90.98222 0.0751398
V4      0.0000000 -22.01       -Inf  95.534330 -117.54433 0.0529444
V5      0.0000000  -1.36       -Inf  45.246038  -46.60604 0.1159432
V6      0.0000000   4.72       -Inf  55.904385  -51.18439 0.0139935
V7      0.0000000  19.67       -Inf 122.901935 -103.23194 0.0450489
V8      0.0000000  24.32       -Inf  93.315656  -68.99566 0.0420672
V9      0.0000000  46.15       -Inf  57.745346  -11.59535 0.0444139
V10     0.0132743  48.21  18.994909  87.790333         NA        NA
S V11  20.1358135   0.00  -0.497478   0.546882    0.00000        NA
S V12  24.2133223   0.00 -10.046381   0.432213    0.00000        NA
S V13  44.8115881   0.00         NA   0.155625    0.00000        NA
S V14  75.7667354   0.00  -1.509427   0.454518    0.00000        NA
S V15   1.3688361   0.00  -0.826885   0.312089    0.00000        NA
S V16  66.5207843   0.00         NA   0.123910    0.00000        NA
S V17  47.0617343   0.00         NA   0.181379    0.00000        NA
S V18   0.0000000   0.00       -Inf   0.456100   -0.45610 0.8502727
S V19   0.0000000   0.00       -Inf   1.084168   -1.08417 2.8651162
S V110 72.7149517   0.00  -0.919381   0.124553    0.00000        NA

免责声明:这是我的第一篇文章R,我绝不是R专家。根据linprog API和@Roland 的评论,我做了一些调整as.vector,查找了linprog 参考的示例,以及这篇 SO 帖子并提出了上述建议。

c() 函数的引用解释了recursive = TRUE“通过列表(和对列表)递归下降,将它们的所有元素组合成一个向量。” 省略递归会导致 default recursive = FALSE,这会导致整个数据帧仅作为一个元素返回:

# This one gives a proper vector
  header=FALSE,sep=" "), recursive=T)
V11   V12   V13   V14   V15   V16   V17   V18   V19  V110 
28.60 34.69 63.04 84.67 12.78 85.24 61.21  7.50  3.79 93.81

# This gives one element only
  header=FALSE,sep=" "))
[1] 28.60 34.69 63.04 84.67 12.78 85.24 61.21  7.50  3.79 93.81


于 2014-09-18T16:10:26.347 回答