The platform we are developing on forces the use of a modified version of the 960gs which we have the freedom to easily override (similar to the way child themes work in wordpress). We switched to LESS about a year back with the intent to modularize all the inherited product delivered CSS. YAY CSS preprocessors!
I was pondering porting the grid system over recently and thought... 'How awesome would it be to have a mixin that just generated the whole grid system based on some variables?' I decided it would be pretty awesome.
Question: I've take a first pass at refining it but I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I've got it down to 3 loops. but I'd like it to be just one beautiful mixin that accepts.
Here be the codes:
.grid-loop( @type; @i ) when ( @i > 0 ) {
.gd-@{type}-@{i} {
.grid-loop( @type, @i - 1 );
.position-loop( @type; @i ) when ( @i > 0 ) {
.gd-@{type}-@{i} {
.position(@type, @i);
.position-loop( @type, @i - 1 );
.padding-loop( @type; @i ) when ( @i > 0 ) {
.gd-@{type}-@{i} {
.padding(@type, @i);
.padding-loop( @type, @i - 1 );
Called thusly:
.grid-loop( grid, @columns );
.position-loop( push, @columns );
.position-loop( pull, @columns );
.padding-loop( prefix, @columns );
.padding-loop( suffix, @columns );
Doesn't seem very DRY, I know...thoughts?