我最终以不同的方式做这件事。我想添加一个 UI,以便用户可以输入点的 XY
// setup to allow editing
this.editToolbar = new EditToolbar(this.map, { allowDeleteVertices: false });
const rcMenuForGraphics = new RightClickVertexContextMenu();
const menu = rcMenuForGraphics.createMenu();
// bind to the map graphics as this is where the vertex editor is
this.map.graphics.on("mouse-over", (evt)=> {
// bind to the graphic underneath the mouse cursor
this.map.graphics.on("mouse-out", (evt)=> {
this.editToolbar.on("vertex-click", (evt2) => {
// evt2.vertexinfo.graphic.geometry.setX(evt2.vertexinfo.graphic.geometry.x - 1000);
// when the graphics layer is clicked start editing
gl.on("click", (evt: any) => {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-bitwise
const t: any = EditToolbar.MOVE | EditToolbar.EDIT_VERTICES;
this.editToolbar.activate(t, evt.graphic);
菜单代码使用 esri 的顶点编辑器来抓取点,更改其 XY,然后手动调用事件来刷新几何。仅用多边形测试
import Menu = require("dijit/Menu");
import MenuItem = require("dijit/MenuItem");
import Graphic = require("esri/graphic");
import Edit = require("esri/toolbars/edit");
import Point = require("esri/geometry/Point");
class RightClickVertexContextMenu {
private curentTarget: { graphic: Graphic; vertexinfo: any; target: Edit; };
public createMenu() {
const menuForGraphics = new Menu({});
menuForGraphics.addChild(new MenuItem({
label: "Edit",
onClick: () => {
// this is a bit hooky. We grab the verx mover, change the x/y and then call the _moveStopHandler
const e: any = this.curentTarget.target;
const mover = e._vertexEditor._findMover(this.curentTarget.vertexinfo.graphic);
const g: Graphic = mover.graphic;
// add in a UI here to allow the user to set the new value. This just shifts the point to the left
g.setGeometry(new Point(mover.point.x - 1000, mover.point.y ))
e._vertexEditor._moveStopHandler(mover, {dx: 15});
menuForGraphics.addChild(new MenuItem({
label: "Delete",
onClick: () => {
// call the vertex delete handler
const ct: any = this.curentTarget.target;
return menuForGraphics;
public setCurrentTarget(evt: { graphic: Graphic; vertexinfo: any; target: Edit; }) {
this.curentTarget = evt;
export = RightClickVertexContextMenu;