I want to create a new field in a existing table then want to create .df file for that? So if anyone else will use that .df file, he/she should able to get that field.
I want to create a new field in a existing table then want to create .df file for that? So if anyone else will use that .df file, he/she should able to get that field.
您想创建增量 df(定义)文件或“delta.df”。您可以从命令行轻松地执行此操作:
bpro -db new -1 -db old -1 -p prodict/dump_inc.p
数据库的顺序很重要——delta df 将包含使第二个数据库与第一个数据库一样所需的更改。因此,要将“新”中的字段添加到“旧”中,如图所示。如果您希望第二个 delta.df 在升级失败时取消更改,请翻转订单。
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