我正在尝试我在 Fortran 中的第一个程序,试图求解一个二次方程。我对我的代码进行了两次和三次检查,没有发现任何问题。我不断在不同位置收到“(1) 处的名称中的无效字符”和“(1) 处的不可分类声明”。代码有什么问题?
! This program solves quadratic equations
! of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0.
! Record:
! Name: Date: Notes:
! Damon Robles 4/3/10 Original Code
PROGRAM quad_solv
! Variables
REAL :: a, b, c
REAL :: discrim, root1, root2,
COMPLEX :: comp1, comp2
CHARACTER(len=1) :: correct
! Prompt user for coefficients.
WRITE(*,*) "This program solves quadratic equations "
WRITE(*,*) "of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0. "
WRITE(*,*) "Please enter the coefficients a, b, and "
WRITE(*,*) "c, separated by commas:"
READ(*,*) a, b, c
WRITE(*,*) "Is this correct: a = ", a, " b = ", b
WRITE(*,*) " c = ", c, " [Y/N]? "
READ(*,*) correct
IF correct = N STOP
IF correct = Y THEN
! Definition
discrim = b**2 - 4*a*c
! Calculations
IF discrim > 0 THEN
root1 = (-b + sqrt(discrim))/(2*a)
root2 = (-b - sqrt(discrim))/(2*a)
WRITE(*,*) "This equation has two real roots. "
WRITE(*,*) "x1 = ", root1
WRITE(*,*) "x2 = ", root2
IF discrim = 0 THEN
root1 = -b/(2*a)
WRITE(*,*) "This equation has a double root. "
WRITE(*,*) "x1 = ", root1
IF discrim < 0 THEN
comp1 = (-b + sqrt(discrim))/(2*a)
comp2 = (-b - sqrt(discrim))/(2*a)
WRITE(*,*) "x1 = ", comp1
WRITE(*,*) "x2 = ", comp2
PROGRAM END quad_solv