我正在尝试注册 Firefox 浏览器以在 Windows 上运行。根据 Webbrowser 的文档,“如果环境变量 BROWSER 存在,它被解释为覆盖浏览器的平台默认列表,作为 os.pathsep 分隔的浏览器列表按顺序尝试”。我有以下内容:
import os
import webbrowser
from subprocess import call
os.environ["BROWSER"] = "C:\\FirefoxPortable\\FirefoxPortable.exe"
这仍然会打开 iexplorer(默认浏览器)。
>>> webbrowser._browsers
{'windows-default': [<class 'webbrowser.WindowsDefault'>, None], 'c:\\program files\\internet explorer\\iexplore.exe': [None, <webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser object at 0x04A18F90>]}
>>> webbrowser._tryorder
['windows-default', 'C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE']
我如何在这里使用 Firefox?
# OK, now that we know what the default preference orders for each
# platform are, allow user to override them with the BROWSER variable.
if "BROWSER" in os.environ:
_userchoices = os.environ["BROWSER"].split(os.pathsep)
# Treat choices in same way as if passed into get() but do register
# and prepend to _tryorder
for cmdline in _userchoices:
if cmdline != '':
cmd = _synthesize(cmdline, -1)
if cmd[1] is None:
register(cmdline, None, GenericBrowser(cmdline), -1)
cmdline = None # to make del work if _userchoices was empty
del cmdline
del _userchoices
# what to do if _tryorder is now empty?