我想获取一个二维数组的数据并使用 smarty 将其显示在一个 html 文件中:想法如下:我的数组包含几个数组,每个人都包含第一个偏移量中的类别名称以及指向该类别的附加链接
1 文件 php
$categories_links = array();//array that contains some catgories name with the attached links
//some dummy data
$categorie1="Horror movies";
$categories_links[] = array($categorie1, $link11, $link12,$link13);
$categorie2="Action movies";
$categories_links[] = array($categorie2, $link21, $link22);
$smarty->assign('categories_links' , $categories_links );
2 文件 html
{foreach key=categorie item=categorie from=$categories_links}
foreach key=categorie item=categorie from=categorie}
1.display only the first item in every array as the category name
2.display the rest as the links attached to the above category