我尝试使用 WindowStyle None 和 AllowsTransparency True 在 wpf 中创建一个自定义镀铬窗口,但是,当我最大化窗口时,它覆盖了整个屏幕(并且超出了它的边缘,它还隐藏了我底部的 Windows 栏屏幕,就像全屏游戏一样)。如何使行为像普通窗口一样,但使用我自己定制的 wpf-chrome?


3 回答 3


我找到了一个解决方案,但它需要一些 win32 互操作。不是很漂亮,但它有效。

    protected override void OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e)

        IntPtr handle = (new WinInterop.WindowInteropHelper(this)).Handle;
        WinInterop.HwndSource.FromHwnd(handle).AddHook(new WinInterop.HwndSourceHook(WindowProc));

    private IntPtr WindowProc(
        IntPtr hwnd,
        int msg,
        IntPtr wParam,
        IntPtr lParam,
        ref bool handled)
        switch (msg)
            case 0x0024:
                WmGetMinMaxInfo(hwnd, lParam);
                handled = true;

        return (IntPtr)0;

    private static void WmGetMinMaxInfo(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr lParam)
        MINMAXINFO mmi = (MINMAXINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(MINMAXINFO));

        // Adjust the maximized size and position to fit the work area of the correct monitor
        int MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST = 0x00000002;
        IntPtr monitor = MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);

        if (monitor != IntPtr.Zero)
            MONITORINFO monitorInfo = new MONITORINFO();
            GetMonitorInfo(monitor, monitorInfo);
            RECT rcWorkArea = monitorInfo.rcWork;
            RECT rcMonitorArea = monitorInfo.rcMonitor;
            mmi.ptMaxPosition.x = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.left - rcMonitorArea.left);
            mmi.ptMaxPosition.y = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.top - rcMonitorArea.top);
            mmi.ptMaxSize.x = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.right - rcWorkArea.left);
            mmi.ptMaxSize.y = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.bottom - rcWorkArea.top);

        Marshal.StructureToPtr(mmi, lParam, true);

    /// <summary>
    /// POINT aka POINTAPI
    /// </summary>
    public struct POINT
        /// <summary>
        /// x coordinate of point.
        /// </summary>
        public int x;
        /// <summary>
        /// y coordinate of point.
        /// </summary>
        public int y;

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a point of coordinates (x,y).
        /// </summary>
        public POINT(int x, int y)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;

    public struct MINMAXINFO
        public POINT ptReserved;
        public POINT ptMaxSize;
        public POINT ptMaxPosition;
        public POINT ptMinTrackSize;
        public POINT ptMaxTrackSize;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public class MONITORINFO
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>            
        public int cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MONITORINFO));

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>            
        public RECT rcMonitor = new RECT();

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>            
        public RECT rcWork = new RECT();

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>            
        public int dwFlags = 0;

    /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
    public struct RECT
        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public int left;
        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public int top;
        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public int right;
        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public int bottom;

        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public static readonly RECT Empty = new RECT();

        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public int Width
            get { return Math.Abs(right - left); }  // Abs needed for BIDI OS
        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public int Height
            get { return bottom - top; }

        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public RECT(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
            this.left = left;
            this.top = top;
            this.right = right;
            this.bottom = bottom;

        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public RECT(RECT rcSrc)
            this.left = rcSrc.left;
            this.top = rcSrc.top;
            this.right = rcSrc.right;
            this.bottom = rcSrc.bottom;

        /// <summary> Win32 </summary>
        public bool IsEmpty
                // BUGBUG : On Bidi OS (hebrew arabic) left > right
                return left >= right || top >= bottom;
        /// <summary> Return a user friendly representation of this struct </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            if (this == RECT.Empty) { return "RECT {Empty}"; }
            return "RECT { left : " + left + " / top : " + top + " / right : " + right + " / bottom : " + bottom + " }";

        /// <summary> Determine if 2 RECT are equal (deep compare) </summary>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (!(obj is Rect)) { return false; }
            return (this == (RECT)obj);

        /// <summary>Return the HashCode for this struct (not garanteed to be unique)</summary>
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return left.GetHashCode() + top.GetHashCode() + right.GetHashCode() + bottom.GetHashCode();

        /// <summary> Determine if 2 RECT are equal (deep compare)</summary>
        public static bool operator ==(RECT rect1, RECT rect2)
            return (rect1.left == rect2.left && rect1.top == rect2.top && rect1.right == rect2.right && rect1.bottom == rect2.bottom);

        /// <summary> Determine if 2 RECT are different(deep compare)</summary>
        public static bool operator !=(RECT rect1, RECT rect2)
            return !(rect1 == rect2);


    internal static extern bool GetMonitorInfo(IntPtr hMonitor, MONITORINFO lpmi);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    internal static extern IntPtr MonitorFromWindow(IntPtr handle, int flags);
于 2010-04-06T22:58:39.607 回答

如果您实际上没有使用 AllowsTransparency 部分,WPF Shell 集成库可能适合您:http ://code.msdn.com/WPFShell 。该页面上指向 WPF SDK 博客文章的链接描述了它在做什么。

于 2010-12-08T17:18:04.917 回答

它是窗口的默认属性,当您最大化时,它将覆盖所有屏幕区域,包括底部的窗口栏。仅当您将 WindoStyle 设置为 None 时才会发生这种情况(否则它不会覆盖整个区域)。为避免这种情况,请在您的最大化 evnt 中使用类似的内容,以便您获得实际的工作区域。

而不是设置 windowState= WindowStat.Maximized 更改窗口的高度和宽度,并将最大化的图像更改为恢复,反之亦然。



于 2010-04-06T11:40:36.750 回答