所以,我发现一些代码基本上是在我的播放器对象周围设置一个矩形跟随鼠标设置的距离。在 2D 平面上,我有角色,当玩家点击鼠标按钮时,鼠标和角色之间会出现一个盾牌。这部分有效,这里是代码:
var angle;
var track_radius = 10;
// find the angle to the mouse
angle = point_direction(self.x, self.y, mouse_x, mouse_y);
// turn the shield to look at the mouse
image_angle = angle;
// convert to radians for the math functions
angle = degtorad(angle);
// place the shield on a circular track about the player
// . track_radius is set in the create event
x = global.playerX + 50 * cos(angle);
y = global.playerY - 50 * sin(angle); // minus