就像我在发现 jQuery 之前为 javascript 实现应该是规范的一部分、语法糖式的功能一样。
int (&array)[x][y] = *reinterpret_cast<int (*)[x][y]>(pointer);
MDAI<int, 2> array = MDAI<int, 2>(pointer, x, y);
我最初只写了一个专门的 TwoDArray 类,但发现我实际上也有一些 3D 数组。
因此,我没有实现 3D 版本(当您向下钻取时返回 TwoDArray),而是做了一些更通用的东西,可以帮助您处理任意多维的数组。
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
/*MultiDimensional Array Interpretation
has the compiler use a flat pointer reference as if it were a faceted array
C++11/GCC VLA-supporting equivalent:
int (&array)[x][y] = *reinterpret_cast<int (*)[x][y]>(pointer);
using MDAI, <C++11 and MSVS compatible:
MDAI<int, 2> array = MDAI<int, 2>(pointer, x, y);
template<class Type, unsigned int dimension>
class MDAI {
Type* array;
//+1 to guard against zero-length-array
unsigned int bounds[dimension + 1];
//unfortunately I can't use `unsigned int &(dimensions)[dimension]` to make it safe
//because of how operator[]() tries to construct its return value
MDAI(Type* array, unsigned int* bounds)
: array(array)
std::copy(bounds, bounds + dimension, this->bounds);
/*programmer usable constructor for typing of the dimensions, instead of having to declare an array*/
MDAI(Type* array, ...)
: array(array)
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, array);
for (int index = 0; index < dimension; ++index)
bounds[index] = va_arg(arguments, unsigned int);
/*drills down one level into the multi dimensional array*/
MDAI<Type, dimension - 1> operator[](unsigned index) {
if (dimension < 1) {
std::cerr << "MDAI is not an array.\n";
throw 1;
if (index < 0 || index >= bounds[0]) {
std::cerr << "Index out of bounds.\n";
throw 1;
//figure out how many addresses to jump
for (unsigned int index2 = 1; index2 < dimension; ++index2)
index *= bounds[index2];
return MDAI<Type, dimension - 1>(array + index, bounds + 1);
/*'dereferences' the array to get a reference to the stored value*/
Type& operator*() {
if (dimension > 0) {
std::cerr << "MDAI is an array.\n";
throw 1;
return *array;
/*allows the compiler to automagically 'convert' the MDAI into whatever the user thinks it is*/
operator Type&() {
return **this;
/*makes assignment work automagically too!*/
MDAI<Type, dimension>& MDAI<Type, dimension>::operator=(Type value) {
**this = value;
return *this;
测试边界 2-4-3 的三维数组:
void main(unsigned int argC, char** argV) {
using namespace std;
int array[2][4][3] = {
{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9},
{10, 11, 12}
{13, 14, 15},
{16, 17, 18},
{19, 20, 21},
{22, 23, 24}
//cast array to pointer, then interpret
MDAI<int, 3> mdai((int*)array, 2, 4, 3);
//testing correct memory access
cout << 15 << ' ' << mdai[1][0][2] << endl;
//testing modifcations using mdai are in array
mdai[0][2][1] = -1;
cout << array[0][2][1] << ' ' << mdai[0][2][1] << endl;
//testing modifications in array show up in mdai
array[1][3][2] = -23;
cout << -23 << ' ' << mdai[1][3][2] << endl;
//testing automatic type casting
cout << -15.0 << ' ' << mdai[0][0][1] * -7.5 << endl;
Type& MDAI<Type, 0>::operator*()
所以你只能在 <X, 0> 上调用它,
同样 getoperator[]()
只出现在大于 0 的维度上