pretty newbie question I think but I've spent over 6 hours doing this one way and another and I don't know whats the best way doing it, so I am asking for your help about how it is suppost to be done.

I have 2 enums, for example car and bike. I have to make list or array (I don't know which is better) that has 2 - 1 000 000 elements inside and when it's done I have to reorder the list/array (bikes at the beginning and cars in the end). There are only a bike and a car, but there can be hundreds or thoulsands or even more of them. I don't know if it's possible to make EnumMap about 2 enums.

EnumMap has key and value, so I gave key "car" and value "0", and key "bike" value "1", so it would be easier to reorder, but I found out I can't do this on EnumMap, because does't matter how much elements I add, there is always only 2, bike and car. Can't talk about hundreds there I assume.

The reason why I haven't focused on array, is in the beginning of code there is enum garage {bike, car};

This is homework yes, but I just hope to find out the method for doing it (spent hours just reading and trying different approaches), not that someone does it for me.


3 回答 3


Ok, based on what I understand. You are required to have a List of Animals, and implement a method public static void reorder(ArrayList<Animal> animals) to reorder this List.

This is what I've come up:

public class EnumHw {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<Animal> animalList = new ArrayList<Animal>();



        for (Animal animal : animalList) {

    public static void reorder(ArrayList<Animal> animals) {        

enum Animal {
    //Order you enum in the way you want them to come first in the List

Hope it'll help you (and you are allowed to use the Collections API. :)

于 2014-09-13T01:06:17.630 回答

I suggest you split the logic into two methods, first countGoats(Animal[]) -

private static int countGoats(Animal[] animals) {
    int count = 0;
    for (Animal a : animals) {
        if (Animal.goat == a) {
    return count;

Since every element up to the goats count should be a goat in the array (and every element after a sheep) we can then iterate the array with something like,

public static void reorder(Animal[] animals) {
    if (animals == null) {
    int goats = countGoats(animals);
    for (int i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
        // if (i < goats) - it's a goat, otherwise it's a sheep.
        animals[i] = (i < goats) ? Animal.goat : Animal.sheep;

This is an example of a Counting sort and has a run-time complexity of O(n). As the Wikipedia article notes,

Because counting sort uses key values as indexes into an array, it is not a comparison sort, and the Ω(n log n) lower bound for comparison sorting does not apply to it.

于 2014-09-13T01:31:37.737 回答
public void reorder(Animal[] animals) {
    int sheepCount = 0; 
    int goatCount = 0;
    for (Animal oneAnimal : animals) {
        if (oneAnimal == Animal.sheep) {
        } else {
    for (int i = 0; i < sheepCount; i++) {
        animals[i] = Animal.sheep;
    for (int i = 0; i < goatCount; i++) {
        animals[i + sheepCount] = Animal.goat;
于 2014-09-13T01:05:39.033 回答