我创建了一个码头服务器,并希望以编程方式动态添加 servlet。
Connector httpConn = null;
Connector httpsConn = null;
HandlerCollection handlers = new HandlerCollection();
httpConn = new SelectChannelConnector();
httpConn.setPort( httpPort );
httpConn.setName( "HTTPConnector" ); // simillar setup for httpsConn if needed
contextHandlers = new ContextHandlerCollection();
if( launchServlets ) {
// this is more or less the same servlet creation code as below but for launching
// static servlets (in this example, there are none)
holders = initializeServlets( configFilePath );
handlers.addHandler( contextHandlers );
server = new Server();
if( httpConn != null ) {
server.addConnector( httpConn );
if( httpsConn != null ) {
server.addConnector( httpsConn );
server.setGracefulShutdown( 1000 ); /
server.setStopAtShutdown( true );
server.setHandler( handlers );
if( launchServlets ) {
// Catch any exception that occurs during servlet init()
// (must be called after server.start() )
for( int i = 0; i < holders.length; i++ ) {
if( holders[ i ] != null ) {
Exception initEx = holders[ i ].getUnavailableException();
if( initEx != null ) {
throw initEx;
因此,当我需要启动一个 servlet 时,我会执行以下操作:
boolean isSecureOnly = false; // function that decides suppressed for now
String[] connectors;
MyServlet myServlet = new MyServlet();
ServletHolder holder = new ServletHolder( myServlet );
holder.setInitParameter( Constants.CONF_INIT_STRING_PARAM, configString );
holder.setInitParameter( Constants.CONF_INIT_NAME_PARAM, myName );
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler();
if( details != null ) {
details.sch = handler;
String contextPath = MyConfig.getContextPath( myProps, myName );
handler.setContextPath( contextPath );
handler.setAllowNullPathInfo( true );
// bind the servlet to the connectors it should be listening to
if( isSsl ) {
if( isSecureOnly ) {
connectors = new String[ 1 ];
connectors[0] = Constants.CONF_HTTPS_CONNECTOR;
} else {
connectors = new String[ 2 ];
connectors[0] = Constants.CONF_HTTPS_CONNECTOR;
connectors[1] = Constants.CONF_HTTP_CONNECTOR;
} else {
if( isSecureOnly ) {
throw new ConfigException( 50051 );
connectors = new String[ 1 ];
connectors[0] = Constants.CONF_HTTP_CONNECTOR;
handler.setConnectorNames( connectors );
if( myName != null ) {
handler.setDisplayName( MyMessage.message( 10025, myName ) );
} else {
handler.setDisplayName( MyMessage.message( 10001 ) );
handler.addServlet( holder, "/*" );
contextHandlers.addHandler( handler );
Exception initEx = holder.getUnavailableException();
if( initEx != null ) {
// deal with error
尽管我的动态 servlet 启动代码似乎可以正常工作,但控制台并未显示 servlet 正在初始化。当我有launchServlets = true 时,代码将静态启动servlet,一切都很好,但我想动态启动它们。
我是否必须手动初始化 servlet(我认为 servlet 被隔离到自己的内存空间中)?我如何告诉 Jetty 启动新的 Servlet?
更新:到目前为止,我设法让 servlet 启动的唯一方法是通过 server.stop()/server.join()/server.start()。我想添加 servlet(并删除 - 但这是一个额外的问题)不要中断对现有 servlet 的服务)?
我正在使用 jetty-all-server-8.1.3 和 servlet api 3.0