I'm using NetBeans with the HTML5 project archetype.

One of the autogenerated documentation blocks for my function (after typing /** <enter>) contains the following line:

  • @type @exp;generateErrorClass@pro;ctor|Function

The referent line is:

var UnmodifiableProxyError = generateErrorClass('UnmodifiableProxyError');

So, this is JSDoc, right? But I can't find any documentation that explains those @exp and @pro tags. Can someone identify and explain that line of documentation?


1 回答 1


NetBeans 并不总是知道 JavaScript 中的变量类型,并且它@exp;generateErrorClass@pro;ctor是由 NetBeans 解析的某种内部类型。只需将其替换为您想要的任何内容:)

于 2014-09-12T07:11:40.443 回答