我已经在一个资源(类)实例上实现了一个空闲计时器,它的实例可以同时在多个应用程序中打开。因此,这idleTimer不仅是一个简单的QTimer,而且时隙(触发器)需要验证在过去 N 分钟内是否没有其他应用程序访问过相同的资源。如果是这种情况,则重置计时器(不更新lastAccessedTime值),否则关闭资源。因此,计时器是单次计时器,并lastAccessTime保存在 QSharedMemory 对象中。


### "Google Contacts () of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83601 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 1 times 
### slotIdleTimedOut ->handleIdleTiming: setting QTimer(0x11d273d60) for wallet "kdewallet" handle 0 timeout to 6 
### "Google Contacts () of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ;     elapsed minutes= 5.83634 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 2 times 
### "Google Contacts () of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83634 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 3 times 
### "Google Contacts ()of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83634 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 4 times 
### "Google Contacts () of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83634 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 5 times 
### "Google Contacts () of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83635 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 6 times 
### "Google Contacts () of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ;     elapsed minutes= 5.83635 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 7 times 
### "Google Contacts () of type Google Contacts" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83635 timer QTimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 8 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 6 timer QTimer(0x120a1b5f0) triggered 1 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle -1 ; elapsed minutes= 6.00008 timer QObject(0x0)  triggered 2 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle -1 ; elapsed minutes= 6.00009 timer QObject(0x0)  triggered 3 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle -1 ; elapsed minutes= 6.00012 timer QObject(0x0)  triggered 4 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle -1 ; elapsed minutes= 6.00012 timer QObject(0x0)  triggered 5 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle -1 ; elapsed minutes= 6.00012 timer QObject(0x0)  triggered 6 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle -1 ; elapsed minutes= 6.00012 timer QObject(0x0)  triggered 7 times 
### "KMail" Idle timeout 6 min. for KWallet::Wallet(0x1083f1ac0) "kdewallet" handle -1 ; elapsed minutes= 6.00012 timer QObject(0x0)  triggered 8 times 


  • 计时器触发得有点早。当然,这会导致计时器被重置。
  • 它快速连续发射数次。早期火灾应该重置它的事实没有丝毫影响。



是否触发槽不是特定于应用程序(甚至是实例)的,以某种方式导致 1 个实例idleTimer从设置此计时器实例的各种应用程序中的所有其他实例接收触发信号?idleTimer仅在类析构函数和/或timeOut<=0 时设置为 NULL,所以我很难用 NULL 计时器对象调用我的触发槽!


// This function is to be called at every operation that is supposed to launch or reset
// the idle timing. @p timeOut is a time in minutes.
void handleIdleTiming(const char *caller="", bool touchAccessTime=true)
    // ...
    if( timeOut >= 0 ){
        if( !idleTimer ){
            idleTimer = new QTimer(0);
        // when the idle timer fires, the wallet is supposed to be closed. There is thus
        // no reason to use a repeating timer.
        connect( idleTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(slotIdleTimedOut()) );
        if( touchAccessTime ){
            if( lastAccessTime.lock() ){
                *((double*)lastAccessTime.data()) = HRTime_Time();
                qDebug() << "Cannot lock lastAccessTime for wallet" << name << "error" << lastAccessTime.errorString();
        idleTimer->start( timeOut * 60 * 1000 );


void Wallet::slotIdleTimedOut()
{   double lastAccessTime = 0;
    // check the last time anyone accessed this wallet:
    if( d->lastAccessTime.lock() ){
        lastAccessTime = *((double*)d->lastAccessTime.data());
        qDebug() << "Cannot lock lastAccessTime for wallet" << d->name << "error" << d->lastAccessTime.errorString();
    // the time elapsed since that last access, in minutes:
    double elapsed = (HRTime_Time() - lastAccessTime) / 60;
    d->idleTimerTriggered += 1;
    qDebug() << "###" << appid() << "Idle timeout" << d->timeOut << "min. for" << this << d->name << "handle" << d->handle
        << "; elapsed minutes=" << elapsed << "timer" << d->idleTimer << "triggered" << d->idleTimerTriggered << "times";
    if( elapsed >= d->timeOut ){
        // we have a true timeout, i.e. we didn't access the wallet in timeOut minutes, and no one else did either.
        // false alarm, reset the timer, but there's no need to count this as an access!
        d->handleIdleTiming(__FUNCTION__, false);

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于 2014-09-10T21:36:38.333 回答