I am trying to interpret HttpReferer strings in our server logs. It seems like there is quite a high number of empty values.

I am wondering how many of these empty values are due to direct hits from people entering our URL directly into a browser and how many might be due to some kind of blocking utility that prevents the Referer from being sent.

I really have no idea how many people are using tools or browsers or 'anonymizers' that might block the refer. Any input?


5 回答 5


我曾经在我的博客应用程序中记录所有这些内容 - 几乎所有机器人都不会发送推荐人信息。

您应该能够做出有根据的猜测,是因为它被过滤掉了,还是只是人们输入了 URL。

如果第一次点击没有引荐来源网址,但图像/CSS 等的加载有引荐来源网址信息,那么他们只是直接输入了 URL。
如果他们只拉下没有图像或 CSS 的 HTML,他们很可能是机器人(或者可能使用 Lynx)。
如果他们在没有引荐来源的情况下下拉 HTML、图像和 CSS,那么它们就会被过滤掉。

于 2009-11-12T09:13:03.693 回答

I think a large proportion may actually be caused by ISPs' restrictions. I know my ISP (BT, in the UK) filters it out (probably at the router) which is bloody annoying at times.

As it turns out, the block is actually put in place by Zone Alarm, a software firewall, which is often supplied by ISPs.

于 2008-11-03T00:21:41.507 回答

Opera 在 F12 菜单中有一个快速切换,您可以打开“发送推荐人信息”或不打开您正在浏览的网站。

于 2009-03-03T11:22:17.047 回答

我个人使用 Firefox 的“Web Developer”扩展来禁用它,只是因为一些“有用”的网站会突出显示我用来访问该页面的搜索词。


于 2008-11-03T01:03:22.903 回答

Some antivirus software is retarded and also started doing this for "security" reasons.

We had an email form that used referrer tracking to eliminate the gist of the random bot-spam an some people moaned that it didn't work.

Not entirely wonderful, but there are far more good uses of the referrer header than for just 'lets be evil and watch where people came from' to legitimise it.

( Some antivirus packages have been known to stop email working altogether for instance, and the clients will ring you and tell you its your fault until you tell them to get rid of their rubbish i've never heard of that company before' antivirus for the 40th time and they listen and their problem magically resolves )

Addendum on security

Referrer tracking is very useful for keeping state within a site. (Without needing cookies)

Referrer tracking is very useful to acknowledge that a users origin was from the site itself ( without needing cookies )

Though I see a legitimate privacy concern with leaking 3rd party sites leaking data via referrer, and the recipient seeing that.


3rd-party => site  # referrer preferred blank
local     => local # referrer preferred kept

At least here you can easily distinguish between a "hotlink" from an external source and an internal link.

Also, because of this, cross-domain referrals from SSL websites are blocked by default by some browsers.

于 2008-11-03T00:44:55.733 回答