I want to display the spectrum of output audio of my windows C# application. Currently i am using NAudio Library to calculate information through PCM data of input file. But it seems that this process is taking a lot of time and processing in older systems configurations. So i was wondering if i can use the windows audio output data to do so. I meant this.

enter image description here

As you can see windows is generating green bar of current sound output. And it does recognize multiple outputs in MIXER. So is there any way to get this data and use in my application to escape extra calculation? And i haven't posted any code or my work as i am not sure how to do that and if that is even possible so kindly bear with me.

Thank. You.


1 回答 1


看看Stereomix,它将计算机的输出作为输入设备进行回显。聆听此输入可能是检测声音播放的最简单方法。还可以看看Loopback Recording

于 2014-09-10T08:17:41.533 回答