According with the CustomDateEditor API for this constructor version:

public CustomDateEditor(DateFormat dateFormat,
                        boolean allowEmpty,
                        int exactDateLength)


Without an "exactDateLength" specified, the "01/01/05" would get parsed to "01/01/0005".

Assuming a length of 10, 01/01/05 fails how is expected. Tested and works

But about the following:

However, even with an "exactDateLength" specified, prepended zeros in the day or month part may still allow for a shorter year part, so consider this as just one more assertion that gets you closer to the intended date format.

I don't understand the idea in a 100%. About the prepended zeros for the day or month, yes I know 0# (01-09) for a day or month. But how it could let write an invalid date yet?. Even when the exactDateLength is 10?. Because either 01/01/05 or 1/1/05 is smaller than 10

What is the exactly idea in that sentence? With an example, all would be better.


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