var acc = {
var count = 0;
if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', getDeviceRotation, false);
$(".accelerometer").html("NOT SUPPORTED")
var x_0 = $V([acc.x, acc.y, acc.z]); //vector. Initial accelerometer values
//P prior knowledge of state
var P_0 = $M([
]); //identity matrix. Initial covariance. Set to 1
var F_k = $M([
]); //identity matrix. How change to model is applied. Set to 1
var Q_k = $M([
]); //empty matrix. Noise in system is zero
var KM = new KalmanModel(x_0,P_0,F_k,Q_k);
var z_k = $V([acc.x, acc.y, acc.z]); //Updated accelerometer values
var H_k = $M([
]); //identity matrix. Describes relationship between model and observation
var R_k = $M([
]); //2x Scalar matrix. Describes noise from sensor. Set to 2 to begin
var KO = new KalmanObservation(z_k,H_k,R_k);
//each 1/10th second take new reading from accelerometer to update
var getNewPos = window.setInterval(function(){
KO.z_k = $V([acc.x, acc.y, acc.z]); //vector to be new reading from x, y, z
$(".kalman-result").html(" x:" +KM.x_k.elements[0]+", y:" +KM.x_k.elements[1]+", z:" +KM.x_k.elements[2]);
$(".difference").html(" x:" +(acc.x-KM.x_k.elements[0])+", y:" +(acc.y-KM.x_k.elements[1])+", z:" +(acc.z-KM.x_k.elements[2]))
}, 100);
//read event data from device
function getDeviceRotation(evt){
// gamma is the left-to-right tilt in degrees, where right is positive
// beta is the front-to-back tilt in degrees, where front is positive
// alpha is the compass direction the device is facing in degrees
acc.x = evt.alpha;
acc.y = evt.beta;
acc.z = evt.gamma;
$(".accelerometer").html(" x:" +acc.x+", y:" +acc.y+", z:" +acc.z);
我现在已经将传感器噪声设置为 2 标量矩阵,以查看卡尔曼是否在做它的事情,但我们注意到当手机平放在桌子上时传感器在 x 轴上的变化更大。我们认为这可能是云台锁的问题。我们尚未测试,但每个轴的方差可能会根据设备的方向发生变化。