I have to use GeneXus X Evolution 2 for my project. But I don't know anything about it. I also don't know how to use this tools in web panel, how to write programs in it. I am completely beginner for it. It is frist time for me. So, I would like to learn starting from basic associated with GeneXus X Evolution 2. If you have good links for online learning or online ebook learning for it, could you guide me? Thanks in advance.
266 次
3 回答
除了前面的链接,您还可以在 wiki 上找到所有关于 GeneXus 的有用信息: http ://wiki.genexus.com/commwiki/servlet/hwiki?Wiki+Home ,
于 2014-09-09T20:28:38.360 回答
除了@Gilson 的回答,这是 GX 培训网站,您可以在其中找到不同产品的所有相关视频和材料。
于 2014-09-09T18:40:16.033 回答
这是 GeneXus 频道@youtube 的链接:https: //www.youtube.com/user/GXMarketing 它有演示和教程可能对您有所帮助
于 2014-09-09T15:54:47.857 回答