M:N在 Rust 中使用线程模型,我会启动一个池,然后像往常一样开始生成任务。 绿色文档给出了以下示例:

#[phase(plugin)] extern crate green;


fn main() {
    // Running inside a green pool

    // Spawn more green threads?
    for x in some_thing.iter() {
        spawn(proc() {


extern crate green;
extern crate rustuv;

use std::task::TaskBuilder;
use green::{SchedPool, PoolConfig, GreenTaskBuilder};

let mut config = PoolConfig::new();

// Optional: Set the event loop to be rustuv's to allow I/O to work
config.event_loop_factory = rustuv::event_loop;

let mut pool = SchedPool::new(config);

// Spawn tasks into the pool of schedulers
TaskBuilder::new().green(&mut pool).spawn(proc() {
    // this code is running inside the pool of schedulers

    spawn(proc() {
        // this code is also running inside the same scheduler pool

// Dynamically add a new scheduler to the scheduler pool. This adds another
// OS thread that green threads can be multiplexed on to.
let mut handle = pool.spawn_sched();

// Pin a task to the spawned scheduler
TaskBuilder::new().green_pinned(&mut pool, &mut handle).spawn(proc() {
    /* ... */

// Handles keep schedulers alive, so be sure to drop all handles before
// destroying the sched pool

// Required to shut down this scheduler pool.
// The task will fail if `shutdown` is not called.

有没有办法说使用 x num 个 OS 线程,还是必须在代码中创建和管理它们?


1 回答 1


根据 的文档PoolConfig,可以在创建新池时指定 OS 线程的数量:

let mut config = PoolConfig::new();
config.threads = 42u;
let mut pool = SchedPool::new(config);
// use your pool with 42 OS threads as you want


于 2014-09-08T17:46:08.820 回答