So I'm pretty new to golang and i'm struggling to get a working example going of encrypting some text with openpgp and decrypting it again.
Here is what I have so far: (
package main
import (
// create gpg keys with
// $ gpg --gen-key
// ensure you correct paths and passphrase
const mysecretstring = "this is so very secret!"
const secretKeyring = "/Users/stuart-warren/.gnupg/secring.gpg"
const publicKeyring = "/Users/stuart-warren/.gnupg/pubring.gpg"
const passphrase = "1234"
func main() {
log.Printf("Secret: ", mysecretstring)
log.Printf("Secret Keyring: ", secretKeyring)
log.Printf("Public Keyring: ", publicKeyring)
log.Printf("Passphrase: ", passphrase)
// Read in public key
keyringFileBuffer, _ := os.Open(publicKeyring)
defer keyringFileBuffer.Close()
entitylist, _ := openpgp.ReadKeyRing(keyringFileBuffer)
// encrypt string
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
w, _ := openpgp.Encrypt(buf, entitylist, nil, nil, nil)
// Encode to base64
bytesp, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(buf)
encstr := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bytesp)
// Output encrypted/encoded string
log.Printf("Encrypted Secret: ", encstr)
// Here is where I would transfer the encrypted string to someone else
// but we'll just decrypt it in the same code
// init some vars
var entity2 *openpgp.Entity
var entitylist2 openpgp.EntityList
// Open the private key file
keyringFileBuffer2, _ := os.Open(secretKeyring)
defer keyringFileBuffer2.Close()
entitylist2, _ = openpgp.ReadKeyRing(keyringFileBuffer2)
entity2 = entitylist2[0]
// Get the passphrase and read the private key.
// Have not touched the encrypted string yet
passphrasebyte := []byte(passphrase)
log.Printf("Decrypting private key using passphrase")
for _, subkey := range entity2.Subkeys {
log.Printf("Finished decrypting private key using passphrase")
// Decode the base64 string
dec, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encstr)
// Decrypt it with the contents of the private key
md, _ := openpgp.ReadMessage(bytes.NewBuffer(dec), entitylist2, nil, nil)
bytess, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(md.UnverifiedBody)
decstr := string(bytess)
// should be done
log.Printf("Decrypted Secret: ", decstr)
This is based off of
When I run it, it seems to partially work, but only outputs some of the characters of the original string... Changing the original string causes some very weird issues.
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Secret: %!(EXTRA string=this is so very secret!)
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Secret Keyring: %!(EXTRA string=/Users/stuart-warren/.gnupg/secring.gpg)
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Public Keyring: %!(EXTRA string=/Users/stuart-warren/.gnupg/pubring.gpg)
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Passphrase: %!(EXTRA string=1234)
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Encrypted Secret: %!(EXTRA string=wcBMA5a76vUxixWPAQgAOkrt/LQ3u++VbJ/20egxCUzMqcMYtq+JXL7SqbB5S1KrgHhGd8RHUmxy2h45hOLcAt+kfvSz0EJ/EsCmwnbP6HRPEqiMLt6XaVS26Rr9HQHPpRBZkqnwAP0EmlYNnF5zjnU5xTcEOyyr7EYhEgDv0Ro1FQkaCL2xdBhDCXs4EdQsjVrcECWOt0KgbCWs+N/0cEdeyHwodkaDgJ7NMq/pPuviaRu4JHCIxMiyz8yhOCHOM+bI80KsJesjGrgbjnGDfJUZNYDBNc8PqzfC39lB2MBrn/w07thJxvjbep39R0u2C4eEcroTRLB+t9i4fJNiVpoSclYRSZXm5OsYYv/XwtLgAeRZ07lFEsGoHSbqGLUnHFFw4Svk4FPgCuGVpOCS4vYiisDg+ORYj8dpu/Z3gSlVJ6mhSr7H4J3i9vItRuBx4WUB4HHgmQ==)
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Decrypting private key using passphrase
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Finished decrypting private key using passphrase
2014/09/07 22:59:38 Decrypted Secret: %!(EXTRA string=this)
Clearly there is something I'm not understanding, so would appreciate any assistance given.