ListChangeListener 的JavaDoc 提供了用于处理更改的模板。但是,我不知道如何处理排列。对于每个索引,我都可以找出该项目的新索引在哪里,但我不知道如何处理它。这是一个独立于编程语言的难题。一个 ObservableList 只能 add()、remove()、set(),并且还有一个迭代器。
如果我有一个原始列表 [1,2,3],并将一个列表 [] 绑定到它,则绑定的列表 [1,2,3] 需要匹配它。如果原始列表交换了它的比较器,以便原始列表现在读取 [3,2,1],我如何使绑定列表跟随?
* Binds a source list's elements to a destination list. Any changes made in
* the source list will reflect in the destination list.
* @param <SRC> The source list's object type.
* @param <DEST> The destination list's object type.
* @param dest The destination list that will be bound to the src list.
* @param src The source list to watch for changes, and propagate up to the
* destination list.
* @param transformer A function that will transform a source list data
* type, A, into a destination list data type, B.
public static <SRC, DEST> void bindLists(
ObservableList<DEST> dest, ObservableList<SRC> src, Function<? super SRC, ? extends DEST> transformer) {
/*Add the initial data into the destination list.*/
for (SRC a : src) {
/*Watch for future data to add to the destination list. Also watch for removal
of data form the source list to remove its respective item in the destination
src.addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends SRC> c) -> {
while ( {
if (c.wasPermutated()) {
/*How do you handle permutations? Do you remove and then add,
or add and then remove, or use set, or use a copy arraylist
and set the right indices? Removing/adding causes concurrent modifications.*/
for (int oldIndex = c.getFrom(); oldIndex < c.getTo(); oldIndex++) {
int newIndex = c.getPermutation(oldIndex);
dest.add(newIndex, dest.get(oldIndex));
} else if (c.wasUpdated()) {
} else {
/*Respond to removed data.*/
for (SRC item : c.getRemoved()) {
int from = c.getFrom();
/*Respond to added data.*/
for (SRC item : c.getAddedSubList()) {
int indexAdded = src.indexOf(item);
dest.add(indexAdded, transformer.apply(item));