http://i.stack.imgur.com/AAtUD.jpg http://i.stack.imgur.com/eouLY.jpg


我想要做的最终结果是将晕影图片和 CGI​​ 图片结合起来,因为晕影图像的 RGB 值朝向边缘更暗我需要将原始图像对应的像素乘以朝向边缘的较小数字,应该使图片具有原始图片边缘周围的较暗框架。


  def addVignette(inputPic, vignette):
   #create empty canvas to combine images correctly
   canvas = makeEmptyPicture(getWidth(inputPic), getHeight(inputPic))

   for x in range(0, getWidth(inputPic)):
     for y in range(0, getHeight(inputPic)):
       px = getPixel(canvas, x, y)
       inputPx = getPixel(inputPic, x, y)
       vignettePx = getPixel(vignette, x, y)

      #make a new color from these values
       newColour = getNewColorValues(vignettePx,inputPx)

      #then assign this new color to the current pixel of the input image
       setColor(px, newColour)


def getNewColourValues(inputPx, vignettePx):

   inputRed = getRed(inputPx)
   vignetteRed = getRed(vignettePx)
   inputGreen = getGreen(inputPx)
   vignetteGreen = getGreen(vignettePx)
   inputBlue = getBlue(inputPx)
   vignetteBlue = getBlue(vignettePx)

   newRGB= setColor(inputPx,inputRed,inputGreen,inputBlue)*(vignettePx,vignetteRed,vignetteGreen,vignetteBlue)

   newColour = makeColor(newRGB) 

   return newColour

def newPicture(newColour):

 folder = pickAFolder()
 filename = requestString("enter file name: ")
 path = folder+filename+".jpg"

 writePictureTo(inputPic, path) 

测试时首先使用 vignette_profile 图像,然后 CGI 图像也保存图像不起作用,即使我一直试图让它工作,任何帮助将不胜感激。


2 回答 2



让我从保存图像开始。从您发布的代码中我可以看到,您实际上从未调用过该newPicture()函数,这就是它不保存图像的原因。我还在 newPicture 函数中注意到您没有将新图像的引用传递给该函数。

请在下面解决我的问题。我已将函数名称从 newPicture 更改为saveNewImage()



您运行 Main() 函数以使该脚本正常工作

# Main function.
# i.e >>> main()

def main():

  # Choose the files you wish to use
  inputFile = pickAFile()
  vignetteFile = pickAFile()

  # Turn both files into picture objects
  inputPic = makePicture(inputFile)
  vignette = makePicture(vignetteFile)

  # addVignette() function combines the input picture and vignette together
  # and returns the result as a new picture object
  newImage =  addVignette(inputPic, vignette)

  # saveNewImage() function stores the new image as file

# Main() calls this function to add input picture and vignette together  
def addVignette(inputPic, vignette):

  # Create empty canvas
  canvas = makeEmptyPicture(getWidth(inputPic), getHeight(inputPic))

  # Iterate through all the pixels of the input image. x and y are
  # used as the current coordinates of the pixel
  for x in range(0, getWidth(inputPic)):
    for y in range(0, getHeight(inputPic)):

      # Get the current pixels of inputPic and vignette
      inputPixel = getPixel(inputPic, x, y)
      vignettePixel = getPixel(vignette, x, y)

      # The getNewColorValues() function, makes a new color from those
      # values
      newColor = getNewColorValues(inputPixel, vignettePixel)

      # Assign this new color to the current pixel of the canvas
      px = getPixel(canvas, x, y)      
      setColor(px, newColor)

  # Show the result of combiming the input picture with the vignette

  # return the new image to main() function.
  return canvas

# Called from the addVignette() function to add the color values from
# the input picture and vignette together. It returns a new color
# object
def getNewColorValues(inputPixel, vignettePixel):

  # Get the individual colour values
  inputRed = getRed(inputPixel)
  vignetteRed = getRed(vignettePixel)
  inputGreen = getGreen(inputPixel)
  vignetteGreen = getGreen(vignettePixel)
  inputBlue = getBlue(inputPixel)
  vignetteBlue = getBlue(vignettePixel)

  # ***********************************************************
  # Most important part. This will determine if the pixel is darkent
  # and by how much. How it works is the darker the vignette pixel the less that will
  # be taken away from 255. This means the result of `255 - vignetteRed` will be a higher
  # value which means more will be taken away from the input colour.
  # The light the vignette pixel the less that will be taken away from input pixel

  newR = inputRed - (255 - vignetteRed)
  newG = inputGreen - (255 - vignetteGreen)
  newB = inputBlue - (255 - vignetteBlue)
  # ***********************************************************

  newC = makeColor(newR, newG, newB)
  return newC

# Called from the main() function in order to save the new image  
def saveNewImage(newImage):

  folder = pickAFolder()
  filename = requestString("Please enter file name: ")
  path = folder + filename + ".jpg"

  writePictureTo(newImage, path)
于 2014-09-07T04:58:01.073 回答

您也可以尝试在 CV 中执行此操作。单像素操作和文件 I/O 非常简单。

img = cv2.imread('test.jpg')
pixel = img[10,10]

我从来没有遇到过 CV 中的文件 I/O 的任何问题。可能是权限错误或多余的空白。



于 2014-09-06T15:02:44.897 回答