


tripid stopeq AISLE bin

216 1 光伏 71

216 下午 2 点 64

216 3 PL 47

216 下午 4 点 36

216 5 PL 32

216 6 PL 88

216 7 帕杰 49

216 8 帕杰 29

216 9 PJ 20

216 10 PJ 19

216 11 PI 22

216 12 PI 45

216 13 PN 33

216 14 PN 28


在这种情况下,我想重新组织这个表,使通道 PJ 上升(选择 7、8、9、10),所以我希望它通过选择列表并根据通道上升或下降重新排序选择序列。对于这个例子,我将只关注一个过道,所以我正在寻找一个循环遍历表的查询,并使用列 PJ 重新组织记录,以便以相反的顺序进行。如同

216 7 PJ 19

216 8 便士 20

216 9 帕杰 29

216 10 PJ 49

但我现在只是想影响那些行。到目前为止,我已经创建了一个游标,其中包含一个 CTE。像这样的东西。

declare inner_cursor cursor scroll
for select aisle from table_input

open inner_cursor

fetch next from inner_cursor into @aisle
while @@fetch_status = 0
    if @aisle in ('PJ')
      with C as
            (select stopseq, 0 + row_number() over (order by bin desc) as newtripstop
            from SIM_Input_reschedule
            update C 
            set tripstopseq = newtripstop

但这只会按 Bin 编号对整个列表进行排序,所以我尝试通过添加来为过道添加约束

            with C as
            (select tripstopseq, 0 + row_number() over (order by bin asc) as newtripstop, aisle
            from SIM_Input_reschedule
            where AISLE = @aisle
            update C 
            set tripstopseq = newtripstop

但这不会影响表中的任何行。任何帮助表示赞赏。我可能对 CTE 采取了完全错误的方法,所以如果你想出更好的方法就说吧。


1 回答 1


What I think you can do is this.

Add field sort_order which will only have two values:

  • 1 - for aisles that should be sorted in ascending order
  • (-1) - for aisles with desc sort order

Then you can use following query to results in correct sort order:

SELECT aisle, bin, 
  ( SELECT MAX(sequence) FROM myTable 
    WHERE t.aisle != aisle and sequence < t.sequence)
  + ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY aisle ORDER BY sort_order * bin) as newsequence
FROM myTable t

To do this without the new field you will have to use CASE WHEN with same logic.

于 2014-09-05T16:34:20.953 回答