我在 CentOS 6.5 机器 64 位上使用 Redhawk 1.10.0 和带有 UHD 驱动程序 3.7.2 的 USRP b100。USRP b100 被系统正确识别。它是一个 USB 设备。我下载了最新版本的 UHD_USRP Device ver。REDHAWK 3.0 和我创建了一个包含 GPP 和 UHD_USRP 设备的节点。节点启动没有任何问题,但是当我运行一个简单的波形从 USRP 读取数据作为 RX_DIGITIZER 时,我收到以下错误:

Failed to create application: usrp_test_248_173059195 Failed to satisfy 'usesdevice' 
dependencies DCE:18964b3d-392e-4b98-a90d-0569b5d46ffefor application 'usrp_test_248_173059195'


2014-09-05 17:31:03 TRACE FrontendTunerDevice:369 - CORBA::Boolean frontend::FrontendTunerDevice<TunerStatusStructType>::allocateCapacity(const CF::Properties&) [with TunerStatusStructType = frontend_tuner_status_struct_struct]
2014-09-05 17:31:03 INFO FrontendTunerDevice:502 - allocateCapacity: NO AVAILABLE TUNER. Make sure that the device has an initialized frontend_tuner_status
2014-09-05 17:31:03 TRACE FrontendTunerDevice:578 - void frontend::FrontendTunerDevice<TunerStatusStructType>::deallocateCapacity(const CF::Properties&) [with TunerStatusStructType = frontend_tuner_status_struct_struct]
2014-09-05 17:31:03 DEBUG FrontendTunerDevice:603 - ALLOCATION_ID NOT FOUND: [usrpAllocation]
2014-09-05 17:31:03 DEBUG FrontendTunerDevice:637 - ERROR WHEN DEALLOCATING. SKIPPING...


2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE ApplicationFactory_impl:2132 - Done building Component Info From SPD File
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE ApplicationFactory_impl:1040 - Application has 1 usesdevice dependencies
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE prop_utils:509 - setting struct item FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::allocation_id
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE prop_utils:509 - setting struct item FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::bandwidth
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE prop_utils:509 - setting struct item FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::center_frequency
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE prop_utils:509 - setting struct item FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::group_id
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE prop_utils:509 - setting struct item FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::rf_flow_id
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE prop_utils:509 - setting struct item FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::sample_rate
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE prop_utils:509 - setting struct item FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::tuner_type
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:134 - Servicing 1 allocation request(s)
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:144 - Allocation request DCE:18964b3d-392e-4b98-a90d-0569b5d46ffe contains 3 properties
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:243 - Allocating against device uhd_node:USRP_UHD_1
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:353 - Matching DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d 'FRONTEND::TUNER' eq 'FRONTEND::TUNER'
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:353 - Matching DCE:0f99b2e4-9903-4631-9846-ff349d18ecfb 'USRP' eq 'USRP'
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:395 - Adding external property FRONTEND::tuner_allocation
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:407 - Matched 2 properties
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:264 - Allocating 1 properties (1 calls)
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:267 - Device lacks sufficient capacity
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:243 - Allocating against device uhd_node:GPP_1
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:353 - Matching DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d 'GPP' eq 'FRONTEND::TUNER'
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE AllocationManager_impl:248 - Matching failed
2014-09-05 17:31:39 DEBUG ApplicationFactory_impl:1060 - Failed to satisfy 'usesdevice' dependencies DCE:18964b3d-392e-4b98-a90d-0569b5d46ffefor application 'usrp_test_248_173059195'
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE ApplicationFactory_impl:528 - Unbinding the naming context
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE Properties:85 - Destruction for properties
2014-09-05 17:31:39 TRACE PRF:312 - Deleting PRF containing 4 properties


<usesdevice id="DCE:18964b3d-392e-4b98-a90d-0569b5d46ffe"
<propertyref refid="DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d"
value="FRONTEND::TUNER" />
<propertyref refid="DCE:0f99b2e4-9903-4631-9846-ff349d18ecfb"
value="USRP" />
<structref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation">
<simpleref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::tuner_type"
value="RX_DIGITIZER" />
<simpleref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::allocation_id"
value="usrpAllocation" />
<simpleref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::center_frequency"
value="102500000" />
<simpleref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::bandwidth"
value="320000" />
<simpleref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::sample_rate"
value="250000" />
<simpleref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::group_id"
value="" />
<simpleref refid="FRONTEND::tuner_allocation::rf_flow_id"
value="" />

b100 配置如下:

-- USRP-B100 时钟控制:10
-- r_counter: 2
-- a_counter: 0
-- b_counter: 20
-- 预分频器:8
-- vco_divider: 5
-- chan_divider: 5
-- vco_rate: 1600.000000MHz
-- chan_rate: 320.000000MHz
-- out_rate: 64.000000MHz
| 设备:B系列设备
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | 主板:B100
| | 修订:8192
| | 序列号:E5R10Z1B1
| | 固件版本:4.0
| | FPGA版本:11.4
| |   
| | 时间来源:无、外部、_external_
| | 时钟源:内部、外部、自动
| | 传感器:ref_locked
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | 接收数字信号处理器:0
| | | 频率范围:-32.000 至 32.000 Mhz
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | RX Dboard:A
| | | ID:WBX v3、WBX v3 + 简单 GDB (0x0057)
| | | 序列号:E5R1BW6XW
| | | _____________________________________________________
| | | /
| | | | 接收前端:0
| | | | 名称:WBXv3 RX+GDB
| | | | 天线:TX/RX、RX2、CAL
| | | | 传感器:lo_locked
| | | | 频率范围:68.750 至 2200.000 Mhz
| | | | 增益范围 PGA0:0.0 到 31.5 步长 0.5 dB
| | | | 连接类型:IQ
| | | | 使用 LO 偏移:否
| | | _____________________________________________________
| | | /
| | | | 接收编解码器:A
| | | | 名称:ad9522
| | | | 增益范围 pga:0.0 到 20.0 步长 1.0 dB
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | 发送数字信号处理器:0
| | | 频率范围:-32.000 至 32.000 Mhz
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | TX Dboard:A
| | | 编号:WBX v3 (0x0056)
| | | 序列号:E5R1BW6XW
| | | _____________________________________________________
| | | /
| | | | TX前端:0
| | | | 名称:WBXv3 TX+GDB
| | | | 天线:TX/RX,CAL
| | | | 传感器:lo_locked
| | | | 频率范围:68.750 至 2200.000 Mhz
| | | | 增益范围 PGA0:0.0 到 31.0 步长 1.0 dB
| | | | 连接类型:IQ
| | | | 使用 LO 偏移:否
| | | _____________________________________________________
| | | /
| | | | TX编解码器:A
| | | | 名称:ad9522
| | | | 增益范围 pga:-20.0 到 0.0 步长 0.1 dB



1 回答 1



您必须使用target_device结构属性指定目标设备。这可以在节点内或运行时完成。以前版本的 USRP_UHD REDHAWK 设备仅允许使用属性指定 IP 地址,但为了支持 USB 连接(通常是非网络连接)的 USRP 设备,已将其替换为target_device结构属性.

target_device属性允许用户指定ip_addressnameserialtype,并将使用第一个符合条件的 USRP 硬件设备(如果找到)。应该在target_device结构中指定的信息可以通过将update_available_devices属性设置为 true 来确定,从而导致可用的设备结构序列填充所有找到的设备(相同的设备和命令行工具报告的信息uhd_find_devices)。

要确定 USRP_UHD REDHAWK 设备是否连接到目标设备,请检查属性。具体来说,如果未链接到硬件设备以及device_motherboardsdevice_channels属性,则frontend_tuner_status序列将为空。

于 2014-09-05T21:42:37.573 回答