是密封的。我其他人可以做类似new MyType{}
// No more public case classes TypeA & TypeB
object MyType {
def apply(p: String): MyType = /* case A */ new MyType { val param = p }
private case class InternalB(param: String, other: String) extends MyType
def apply(param: String, anotherParam: String): MyType = InternalB(param, anotherParam)
object MyType {
// the apply functions, plus extractors thereafter...
/** Extracts mandatory parameter whatever is the case. */
def unapply(t: MyType): Option[String] = Some(t.param)
/** Extracts both parameter, extra parameter for case B, None for other */
def unapply(t: MyType): Option[(String, String)] = t match {
case InternalB(mandatory, extra)/* Only possible there as private */ =>
Some(mandatory -> extra)
case _ => None
// Then pattern matching can do...
val test1: Boolean = MyType("A") match {
case MyType(param) => true
case _ => false
// Will be true
val test2: Boolean = MyType("B", "extraB") match {
case MyType(param, extra) => true
case _ => false
// Will be true
val test3: Int = MyType("A") match {
case MyType(param, extra) => 2
case MyType(param) => 1
case _ => 0
// Will be 1
val test4: Boolean = MyType("B", "extraB") match {
case MyType(param) => true
case _ => false
// Will be true