我正在尝试使用伴随对象上可用的应用方法在 Scala 中实现工厂设计模式。我有以下方法。

sealed trait MyType {
  def param: String

case class TypeA(param: String) extends MyType
case class TypeB(param: String, anotherParam: String) extends MyType 

object MyType {
  def apply(param: String): TypeA = ???
  def apply(param, anotherParam: String): TypeB = ???



3 回答 3



sealed trait MyType {
  def param: String

object MyType {
  case class TypeA private[MyType] (param: String) extends MyType
  case class TypeB private[MyType] (param: String, anotherParam: String) extends MyType 

  def apply(param: String): TypeA = TypeA(param)
  def apply(param: String, anotherParam: String): TypeB = TypeB(param, anotherParam)


scala> MyType("Test")
res0: MyType.TypeA = TypeA(Test)

scala> MyType("Test", "another test")
res1: MyType.TypeB = TypeB(Test,another test)

scala> MyType.TypeA("test??")
<console>:12: error: constructor TypeA in class TypeA cannot be accessed in object $iw
于 2014-09-05T17:08:38.687 回答


sealed trait MyType {
    def param: String

case class TypeA(param: String) extends MyType
case class TypeB(param: String, anotherParam: String) extends MyType 

object MyType {
   def apply(param: String): TypeA = TypeA(param)
   def apply(param: String, anotherParam: String): TypeB = TypeB(param, anotherParam)
于 2014-09-05T13:50:18.117 回答

特征MyType是密封的。我其他人可以做类似new MyType{}实例化它的事情。


// No more public case classes TypeA & TypeB
object MyType {
  def apply(p: String): MyType = /* case A */ new MyType { val param = p }

  private case class InternalB(param: String, other: String) extends MyType
  def apply(param: String, anotherParam: String): MyType = InternalB(param, anotherParam)



object MyType {
  // the apply functions, plus extractors thereafter...

  /** Extracts mandatory parameter whatever is the case. */
  def unapply(t: MyType): Option[String] = Some(t.param)

  /** Extracts both parameter, extra parameter for case B, None for other */
  def unapply(t: MyType): Option[(String, String)] = t match {
    case InternalB(mandatory, extra)/* Only possible there as private */ =>
      Some(mandatory -> extra)
    case _ => None

// Then pattern matching can do...

val test1: Boolean = MyType("A") match {
  case MyType(param) => true
  case _ => false
// Will be true

val test2: Boolean = MyType("B", "extraB") match {
  case MyType(param, extra) => true
  case _ => false
// Will be true

val test3: Int = MyType("A") match {
  case MyType(param, extra) => 2
  case MyType(param) => 1
  case _ => 0 
// Will be 1

val test4: Boolean = MyType("B", "extraB") match {
  case MyType(param) => true
  case _ => false
// Will be true


于 2014-09-05T13:51:05.340 回答