在 Windev 19 中,当我创建新报告时,我始终将“A4”作为默认纸张格式,我希望 Windev 始终使用 Letter 8.5 / 11 格式。


我使用Windev 19 法语版,这就是为什么它默认为A4 的原因。


2 回答 2



  • 一键文件
  • 2-新报告
  • 3-选择报告类型
  • 4-添加源(数据文件或查询)
  • 5-hit next until Paper size 窗口
  • 6-您现在可以从选项区域中选择一种格式(在列表中)。
  • 然后点击完成。
于 2014-09-07T16:42:53.990 回答

No. Unfortunately the french version sets it to A4, no way to change that and it bothered me too.

I started to work with the English version of Windev lately and noticed that it sets "US Letter" by default with this version. If you are like me, you might endup liking it better this way;

With the added bonus of having the WLangage already set in english mode without having to tweak the settings like I used to in the French version; overall the whole thing feels more natural (IF THEN ELSE END SWITCH CASE string int bool etc...) if you have any prior background experiences with other classic languages like me.

Another bonus advantage I see was that the english version always comes out when the french version has been stabilized enough :)

于 2014-12-30T15:11:52.917 回答