我曾经写过类似的东西,作为 C# 课程的一个例子。在我看来,它主要展示了 .NET 配置子系统是多么糟糕,尽管代码确实有效。我没有根据您的设置对其进行调整,因为很容易引入错误,并且到目前为止 SO 编辑器不验证发布的代码示例;)
<section name="passwordSafe"
type="Codeworks.PasswordSafe.Model.Configuration.PasswordSafeSection, Codeworks.PasswordSafe.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />
<passwordSafe hashAlgorithm="SHA256">
<user name="mm" password="Jok2eyBcFs4y7UIAlCuLix4mLfxw2byfvHfElpmk8d8=" />
<user name="joe" password="Jok2eyBcFs4y7UIAlCuLix4mLfxw2byfvHfElpmk8d8=" />
public class PasswordSafeSection : ConfigurationSection
#region Static Accessors
/// <summary>
/// Gets the configuration section using the default element name.
/// </summary>
public static PasswordSafeSection GetSection()
return GetSection( "passwordSafe" );
/// <summary>
/// Gets the configuration section using the specified element name.
/// </summary>
public static PasswordSafeSection GetSection( string sectionName )
PasswordSafeSection section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection( sectionName ) as PasswordSafeSection;
if( section == null )
string message = string.Format( "The specified configuration section (<{0}>) was not found.", sectionName );
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( message );
return section;
#region Configuration Properties
[ConfigurationProperty( "hashAlgorithm" )]
public string HashAlgorithm
get { return (string) this[ "hashAlgorithm" ]; }
set { this[ "hashAlgorithm" ] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty( "users", IsDefaultCollection=true )]
public UserElementCollection Users
get { return (UserElementCollection) this[ "users" ]; }
set { this[ "users" ] = value; }
public override bool IsReadOnly()
return false;
[ConfigurationCollection( typeof(UserElement), CollectionType = ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap )]
public class UserElementCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
return new UserElement();
protected override string ElementName
get { return "user"; }
public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType
get { return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap; }
public override bool IsReadOnly()
return false;
#region Indexers
public UserElement this[ int index ]
get { return BaseGet( index ) as UserElement; }
if( BaseGet( index ) != null )
BaseRemoveAt( index );
BaseAdd( index, value );
public new UserElement this[ string name ]
get { return BaseGet( name ) as UserElement; }
#region Lookup Methods
protected override object GetElementKey( ConfigurationElement element )
UserElement user = element as UserElement;
return user != null ? user.UserName : "error";
public string GetKey( int index )
return (string) BaseGetKey( index );
#region Add/Remove/Clear Methods
public void Add( UserElement item )
BaseAdd( item );
public void Remove( string name )
BaseRemove( name );
public void Remove( UserElement item )
BaseRemove( GetElementKey( item ) );
public void RemoveAt( int index )
BaseRemoveAt( index );
public void Clear()
public class UserElement : ConfigurationElement
#region Constructors
public UserElement()
public UserElement( string userName, string passwordHash )
UserName = userName;
PasswordHash = passwordHash;
#region Configuration Properties
[ConfigurationProperty( "name", IsKey = true )]
public string UserName
get { return (string) this[ "name" ]; }
set { this[ "name" ] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty( "password", IsRequired = true )]
public string PasswordHash
get { return (string) this[ "password" ]; }
set { this[ "password" ] = value; }
public override bool IsReadOnly()
return false;
现在,所有这些都准备就绪,我们就可以访问配置文件了。我正在使用 Configurator 辅助类来使这稍微不那么麻烦:
public static class Configurator
#region AppSettings Helpers
public static int SplashScreenDisplayTime
get { return Convert.ToInt32( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ "splash.display.msecs" ] ); }
#region User Helpers
public static bool TryGetUserPasswordHash( string userName, out string passwordHash )
UserElement user = GetUser( userName );
passwordHash = user != null ? user.PasswordHash : null;
return ! string.IsNullOrEmpty( passwordHash );
private static UserElement GetUser( string userName )
SystemConfiguration config = GetConfiguration( ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal );
PasswordSafeSection section = config.Sections[ "passwordSafe" ] as PasswordSafeSection;
return section.Users[ userName ];
public static void AddUser( string userName, string passwordHash, string encryptionKey )
SystemConfiguration config = GetConfiguration( ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal );
PasswordSafeSection section = config.Sections[ "passwordSafe" ] as PasswordSafeSection;
UserElement user = section.Users[ userName ];
if( user == null )
user = new UserElement( userName, passwordHash, encryptionKey );
section.Users.Add( user );
config.Save( ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified );
public static void RemoveUser( string userName )
SystemConfiguration config = GetConfiguration( ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal );
PasswordSafeSection section = config.Sections[ "passwordSafe" ] as PasswordSafeSection;
section.Users.Remove( userName );
config.Save( ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified );
public static void UpdateUser( string userName, string passwordHash )
SystemConfiguration config = GetConfiguration( ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal );
PasswordSafeSection section = config.Sections[ "passwordSafe" ] as PasswordSafeSection;
UserElement user = section.Users[ userName ];
if( user != null )
user.PasswordHash = passwordHash;
config.Save( ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified );
#region Configuration Helpers
private static SystemConfiguration GetConfiguration( ConfigurationUserLevel userLevel )
SystemConfiguration config = InitializeConfiguration( userLevel );
return config;
private static SystemConfiguration InitializeConfiguration( ConfigurationUserLevel userLevel )
SystemConfiguration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration( userLevel );
PasswordSafeSection section = config.Sections[ "passwordSafe" ] as PasswordSafeSection;
if( section == null )
section = new PasswordSafeSection();
section.SectionInformation.AllowExeDefinition = ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToLocalUser;
section.SectionInformation.ForceSave = true;
config.Sections.Add( "passwordSafe", section );
config.Save( ConfigurationSaveMode.Full );
return config;