
data CyclicList a = CL a [a]


advance :: CyclicList a -> CyclicList a
advance (CL x []) = CL x []
advance (CL x (z:zs)) = CL z (zs ++ [x])


instance Functor CyclicList where
  fmap f (CL x xs) = CL (f x) (map f xs)

cyclicFromList :: [a] -> CyclicList a
cyclicFromList [] = error "Cyclic list must have one element!"
cyclicFromList (x:xs) = CL x xs

cyclicLength :: CyclicList a -> Int
cyclicLength (CL _ xs) = length xs + 1

listCycles :: CyclicList a -> [CyclicList a]
listCycles cl = let
  helper 0 _ = []
  helper n cl' = cl' : (helper (n-1) $ advance cl')
 in helper (cyclicLength cl) cl

instance Comonad CyclicList where
  extract (CL x _) = x
  duplicate = cyclicFromList . listCycles

我的问题是:我从使用comonad 实例中获得了什么样的好处(如果有的话)?


1 回答 1



可以用什么程序编写Comonad?AComonad提供了一种方法来检查当前位置的值(不观察其邻居),使用或extract观察每个位置的邻域。如果没有任何附加功能,这并不是非常有用。但是,如果我们还需要其他函数以及实例,我们可以编写依赖于本地数据和来自其他地方的数据的程序。例如,如果我们需要允许我们更改位置的函数,例如 your ,我们可以编写仅依赖于数据的本地结构而不依赖于数据结构本身的程序。duplicateextendComonadadvance


class Bidirectional c where
    forward  :: c a -> Maybe (c a)
    backward :: c a -> Maybe (c a)

该程序可以将其与 一起Comonad用于extract存储在单元格中的数据并探索单元格forwardbackward当前单元格。它可以duplicate用来捕获每个单元的邻域并fmap检查该邻域。这种组合fmap f . duplicateextract f


rule' :: Word8 -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
rule' x l m r = testBit x ((if l then 4 else 0) .|. (if m then 2 else 0) .|. (if r then 1 else 0))

rule :: (Comonad w, Bidirectional w) => Word8 -> w Bool -> w Bool
rule x = extend go
        go w = rule' x (maybe False extract . backward $ w) (extract w) (maybe False extract . forward $ w)

slice :: (Comonad w, Bidirectional w) => Int -> Int -> a -> w a -> [a]
slice l r a w = sliceL l w (extract w : sliceR r w)
        sliceR r w | r > 0 = case (forward w) of
            Nothing -> take r (repeat a)
            Just w' -> extract w' : sliceR (r-1) w'
        sliceR _ _ = []
        sliceL l w r | l > 0 = case (backward w) of
            Nothing -> take l (repeat a) ++ r
            Just w' -> sliceL (l-1) w' (extract w':r)
        sliceL _ _ r = r

simulate :: (Comonad w, Bidirectional w) => (w Bool -> w Bool) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> w Bool -> IO ()
simulate f l r x w = mapM_ putStrLn . map (map (\x -> if x then '1' else '0') . slice l r False) . take x . iterate f $ w

该程序可能旨在与列表中的以下内容一起Bidirectional Comonad使用Zipper

data Zipper a = Zipper {
    heads :: [a],
    here  :: a,
    tail  :: [a]
} deriving Functor

instance Bidirectional Zipper where
    forward (Zipper _ _ []    ) = Nothing
    forward (Zipper l h (r:rs)) = Just $ Zipper (h:l) r rs
    backward (Zipper []     _ _) = Nothing
    backward (Zipper (l:ls) h r) = Just $ Zipper ls l (h:r)

instance Comonad Zipper where
    extract = here
    duplicate (Zipper l h r) = Zipper (goL (h:r) l) (Zipper l h r) (goR (h:l) r)
            goL r []    = []
            goL r (h:l) = Zipper l h r : goL (h:r) l
            goR l []    = []
            goR l (h:r) = Zipper l h r : goR (h:l) r

但也可以与CyclicList Bidirectional Comonad.

data CyclicList a = CL a (Seq a)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

instance Bidirectional CyclicList where
    forward (CL x xs) = Just $ case viewl xs of
        EmptyL    -> CL x xs
        x' :< xs' -> CL x' (xs' |> x)
    backward (CL x xs) = Just $ case viewr xs of
        EmptyR    -> CL x xs
        xs' :> x' -> CL x' (x <| xs')

instance Comonad CyclicList where
    extract   (CL x _) = x
    duplicate (CL x xs) = CL (CL x xs) (go (singleton x) xs)
            go old new = case viewl new of
                EmptyL -> empty
                x' :< xs' -> CL x' (xs' >< old) <| go (old |> x') xs'


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Comonad
import Data.Sequence hiding (take)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

main = do
    putStrLn "10 + 1 + 10 Zipper"
    simulate (rule 110) 10 10 30 $ Zipper (take 10 . repeat $ False) True (take 10 . repeat $ False)
    putStrLn "10 + 1 + 10 Cyclic"
    simulate (rule 110) 10 10 30 $ CL True (fromList (take 20 . repeat $ False))
于 2014-09-05T19:41:38.260 回答