use strict;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use File::Copy;
my $usage = <<EOD
$0 file1.Rd [file2.Rd ...]
When using roxygen to generate documentation for an R pacakge, if a default
argument has a percent sign in it then roxygen will copy it directly into
the .Rd file. Since .Rd is basically latex, this will be interpreted as a
comment and case the file to be parsed incorrectly.
For percent signs elsewhere in your documentation, for example in the
description of one of the parameters, you should use "\%" so parse_Rd
interprets it correctly.
But you cannot do this in the default arguments because they have to be
valid R code, too.
Since the .Rd files are automatically generated they should not have
any latex comments in them anyway.
This script escapes every unescaped % within the file.
The .Rd files are modified in place, since it would be easy to
generate them again with R CMD roxygen.
my $n_tot = 0;
my $n_file = @ARGV;
my $n_esc_file = 0;
foreach my $fn (@ARGV) {
print STDERR ' ' x 100, "\rWorking on $fn\t";
open my $fh, $fn or die "Couldn't open $fn: $!";
my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_fn) = tempfile();
my $n;
while(<$fh>) {
$n += s/(?<!\\)%/\\%/g; # if % is not preceded with backslash then replace it with '\%'
print $tmp_fh $_;
$n_tot += $n;
$n_esc_file ++ if $n;
print "Escaped $n '%'\n" if $n;
close $tmp_fh;
move($tmp_fn => $fn);
print "\n";
print "$n_file files parsed\n";
print "$n_esc_file contained at least one unescaped %\n";
print "$n_tot total % were escaped\n";
这是我不优雅的解决方案。将 perl 脚本另存为,例如,escape_percents.pl,那么序列将是这样的:
R CMD roxygen my.package
perl escape_percents.pl my.package.roxygen/man/*.Rd
R CMD install my.package.roxygen
这可能会引入更多问题,例如,如果您有使用 %% 作为模数运算符的示例代码,但它对我来说很方便。