in my heroku PHP app I have to use ffmpeg with libx264 support but found no buildpack that provides libx264 support. So

  1. I forked Heroku Buildpack with ffmpeg support
  2. Compiled ffmpeg on 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 using the steps mentioned here. (I compiled without -libvpx)
  3. Moved the items of ~/bin folder to the bin folder of ~/ffmpeg_build folder and then compressed the ffmpeg_build folder. Uploaded it here.
  4. In my forked rep I updated the downloaded_url to my ffmpeg_build.
  5. Created a .buildpacks file with following entry:



Finally I created my heroku app with

heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi

But when I ran heroku run "ffmpeg -version" error message stated that ffmpeg:command not found

Can anybody please tell me what mistake I committed? Any help would be appreciated.


1 回答 1


问题是https://snehasishroy.github.io/ffmpeg.tar.gz 404s :)

但是,请注意,您应该在 Ubuntu 10.04 上编译 64 位(或 14.04 64 位并使用https://blog.heroku.com/archives/2014/8/19/cedar-14-public-beta

于 2014-09-04T00:56:09.910 回答