After last update I can't find any way to manage remote project via ftp or sftp. Aptana has lost this feature or I can not find it? Does anyone know other ide with the same functionalities? I tried netbeans but it downloads the entire project locally. I prefer the aptana way to provide just the list of all files without download them. Does Exist a way to make work netbeans as aptana for remote projects?


1 回答 1


从我最初的浏览来看,Aptana 似乎删除了项目树中的连接节点。如果您从菜单中选择窗口 -> 显示视图 -> 远程,您将收到一个包含所有连接的新远程选项卡。

此外,如果您有以前使用“发布”提升的本地文件,您仍然可以以相同的方式执行此操作。选择“发布”菜单项后,Aptana 将要求所有遥控器的远程连接也进行上传。


于 2014-09-05T13:22:09.467 回答