我最近安装了 OPNET 14,但一直无法运行模拟。当我尝试运行任何时,我不断收到以下错误:

<<< Recoverable Error >>>
Object repository construction failed
due to errors encountered by the binder program (bind_so_msvc)
T (0), EV (-), MOD (NONE), PROC (sim_load_repos_rebuild)
Errors reported by the binder program follow
(these messages have been saved in (C:\Users\Karl\op_admin\tmp\bind_err_7640):
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'kernel32.lib'

<<< Program Abort >>>
Error encountered rebuilding repository -- unable to proceed
T (0), EV (-), MOD (NONE), PROC (sim_load_repos_load)




1 回答 1

  1. 选择编辑 --> 首选项
  2. 在搜索字段中输入“network sim”
  3. 单击 Network Simulation Repositories 的值字段
  4. 将 stdmod 添加到 Network Simulation Repositories 的 value 字段
于 2015-06-11T14:45:30.137 回答